Error in Spanish tutorial translation

I just introduced a friend of mine to the game, so I checked the tutorial in Spanish for him. I noticed that the translation for the last problem is wrong (with a little bit of good will one can understand the meaning… but what is written makes no sense).

In the ko section, the last problem reads:

Blanco ha capturado una piedra en A3. Busque una forma de jugar donde blanco tenga que capturar de modo de pasar la regla del Ko y así negro puede capturar el grupo blanco en B5. Esto se llama una “amenaza de Ko”

But I think a more normal and correct translation would be:

Blanco acaba de capturar una piedra con A3. Busca un movimiento tal que Blanco tenga que capturar para que Negro pueda re-capturar sin incumplir la regla del Ko y así capturar al grupo B5.
A esto se le llama una “amenaza de Ko”

Have you checked out I think most of the translations are community contributions, so feel free to fix it!


Via the About

you can contribute to translations


Good catch, @n0w3l! I just improved the string in the translation site. The change will be reflected in the next site update.


Sorry, I didn’t know the proper way to do it!

Glad I could help :wink: