well while we know it is an unpopular rule for many and I understand (and always have) that for an individual it may on occasion be plain unfair, I am afraid that AFAIK there is not removal planned for this rule at the moment. And as far as I personally am concerned the rule is largely a good thing (stone me :P)
As far as I understand it is not, and it is only part of the reason behind the rule. Very simply put yes, there is a difference between feeding the system potentially very wrong information or omiting parts of it.
it is common for players with many correspondence games to stop playing (altogether, or just for a while)
if all of the timeouted games of the player counted two things would happen. First, the player’s rank would get completely devastated. Quite possibly hit the floor completely so to say. That is not a big issue, unless the player comes back. Sometimes people just take a break, have some pressing matters or just forget to set vacation. If the player gets back to his original profile, he/she will have to climb all the ranks back, you may say it is his/her problem (largely so), but unfortunately it will impact everyone he/she plays to get the rank back, basically sandbagging for quite a while, ruining other’s games, mood and rank in the process.
Second, especially if he/she was playing against considerably weaker opponents all those would get potentially undesrved rank boost, which is probably not a huge deal, but given enough of these, it might eventually start being a problem. If we annull those games the ranks of the affected players will be slighlty less accurate than they could have been with a proper information, but they will not be wrong.
If we keep the rule, it is usually like one unfairly uncounted game for a player in a long time. The only real problem is that the player may understandbly feel “cheated”, but it is almost sure not to cause any real problems. Even if someone really takes the effort to cheat by bulking losing games, he/she can only prevent a rank loss, but will not inflate their rank by much anyway, because he/she will still be unable to win against stronger opponents.
Therefore I still view it as a better choice to keep it, feel free to try and explain to me where my logic fails, I will be happy to be corrected (although the choice is not mine anyway even if you sway me on your side
In the previous thread about this there were some alternatives suggested which I found very interesting and we made sure anoek saw them. He might be considering some of those still, what I am saying is that AFAIK just canceling the current rule altogether will probably not happen and I apologize for it being rather annoying to many of you, but I/we feel it is the better/safer option in most of the cases.
However if you suspect anyone of misusing the rule and really bulking clearly losing games together while finishing those “good” ones, please do let us know. While I think it is not a common way of cheating I will be more than happy to look at each and every such a report.