European Go Journal: January 2022

The European Go Journal is one of several periodical publications dedicated to go in the West.

The British Go Journal (BGJ) has been published quarterly by the British Go Association since 1967. Pat Ridley, its current editor, wrote an article for the January edition of our magazine. He shares highlights of the history of this impressive journal, the first issues of which were created on a manual typewriter!

Subscribe to the European Go Journal on Patreon to receive future issues automatically: European Go Journal is creating a monthly journal about the game of go (baduk, weiqi) | Patreon

Visit the following website to learn everything about the European Go Journal or to buy past editions:


The European Go Journal is published on a monthly basis.
The journal consists of three sections:

  1. Go News - an overview of the most important news of the month, focusing on Europe but including major events worldwide. In this section, you will also see reviews of some games - one game from Europe and one game from the worldwide go arena (perhaps mostly a game of some top professional go players from Asia).
  2. Reading material - interview and “art & photography” chapter.
  3. Studying material - analysis of some positions using AI, go problems, tesuji of the month.

In the January edition of the European Go Journal, you will find an article on the IZIS AI Go Board:

• a true board – you can play with single-convex stones;

• built-in AI go programs: KataGo, Leela and Golaxy;

• a cloud database of over 100,000 professional games for studying;

• interactive graded problems: joseki, capturing race, life & death, endgame, and more!

Until now more than 10,000 sets are sold in China and other countries all over the world, and soon this product is entering the European market:


Is that robot to sell? I didn’t find price / offers (not on taobao, they just sell the go set. )

It’s just a go set, the robot is another story :slightly_smiling_face:

Here is a link of American dealer: IZIS AI Baduk Board - Free International Airmail Shipping – badukclub

So, tell me that story then!

Liu Xing Zheng, the overseas marketing director of IZIS, told me that it was a robotized hand putting stones on the AI Go Board, following commands of the AI. The person about to put the black stone is Nie Weiping 9p - a legendary Chinese professional player.

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Ilya Shikshin 4p wins online European Grand Prix Finale 2021!

In the final, played on the 27th of January on OGS, Ilya defeated Pavol Lisy 2p: EGPF

More information: 5th European Grand Prix Finale 2021

In the January edition of the European Go Journal, you will find a review of the final battle between Ilya Shikshin 4p and Pavol Lisy 2p.

Photos: final of the European Championship 2018 in Pisa.


An article from the January edition shared publicly


Take a look at the cover of the recently released January 2022 edition. The fantastic drawing is made by Aleksandra Khohlova :fire:

Be sure to visit our website to see the complete description of this edition and purchase it: January 2022 Edition of the European Go Journal