Excerpts from Dutch Go Magazine

Inspired by the indefatigable @bugcat’s

here are some excerpts from the Dutch Go Magazine (year 41; number 5; December 2004).

The Dutch 6D’s Frank Janssen (black) played Geert Groenen (white) each other in Groningen on November 7 2004. 90 minutes plus 30 seconds byoyomi.
Commentary by Alexandre Dinerchtein (1P).

Figure 1

(9) New move that originated in China a few years ago.

(10) The only answer. Playing at (13) doesn’t work.

(11) Correct.

(12) Cutting at A would result in a complicated situation for white.

(13) Extending at B used to be popular.

(14) Correct shape.

Figure 2

(17) Black is prepared to fight.

(18) Overplay.

(19) Tough fight for white.

(24) Another overplay.

(33) Horrible result for white, game seems to be over.

(35) Vital point.

(52) Not possible to tenuki. Jumping to A to create some aji before living.

(56) Only an active play style can help white win this game.

Figure 3

(59) A is also possible.

(72) Result is balanced.

(89) Strong position for Black. Not necessary to defend. Invasion at 3-3 looks good.

(90) Big.

(98) It is getting close, but the best chances still seem to be for black.

(99) (121) is better.

(106) Overplay. Blocking at (107) is better.

(117) The losing move.

(118) Frank Jannsen seems to have overlooked this answer.

(127) Gote and loses points.

Figure 4

(128) Small. Defending at (130) is better.

(138) Bad for white.

(145) Mistake.

(150) Stones are worth lot of points. Pity to miss sente at A and B.

(156) Kosumi at C is correct.

Figure 5

(162) No need to play actively, white is already winning.

(175) Nice tesuji.

(179) Exchange is bad for white.

(181) Fatal. Connect stones.

(184) Winning move.

(190) White catches the centre stones and is leading by a few points.

Figure 6

(298) White wins by 1,5 point.


Cover of the Dutch Go Magazine (year 42, no 1, March 2005).


From July 2005’s issue.

(artist unknown)

A Dutch go cartoon by Nemi.
Translation below each cartoon window.

That Star Wars move was really cool.
… Mmmm

You almost would think that there is alien life out there.
… Mmmm

If there is do you think they also would play go?
… Mmmm?

Meanwhile 20 million lightyears away …


The character in the first one, as you probably know, is the Sensei’s Library mascot.



Those cartoons are from Andreas Fecke, also see A Go-Comic by Andreas Fecke | British Go Association


(October 2005)

(July 2006)


Geert Groenen (w, 6d) versus Willem Koen Pomstra (b, 5D) in 2010 in Heerlen.
Commentary by both players. Komi 6,5.
April 2010 issue of Dutch Go Magazine.

(15) Better to make an 2 space jump from (9). (16) is just too good.

(18) Atari (11)?

(43) Better play (46).

(58) Double hane at (59) better.

(74) Good for white.

(83) Not good.

(84) J5 would have eon the game.

(85) Black is lucky.

(140) Close game. Double sente at (143)

(144) White is behind in points. Black finally win with 9,5 points.

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April 2010 issue of Dutch Go Magazine.
Two illustrations.


Copy pasting some problems …
DGM 2009
Black to play in puzzle 1, 6, 7 & 8.
White to play in puzzle 2-5, 9-10.





And some more …
April 2011.
Black to play.
4 problems per diagram, in each corner a problem.





Back cover of April 2011 edition.


(Dec 2011)


(April 2012)

Excerpts from an interview with Lee Sedol, translated by Rob van Zeijst.

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Two creative covers of the Dutch Go Magazine (autumn & winter 2012)

Two illustrations (winter 2012)

Text middle picture: Learned this at the Central Training.


Autumn / Winter 2013.

Text: what a strange life form!


(winter 2013)

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The 2013 Winter issue of the Dutch Go Magazine was the last paper version. It was replaced by digital Go Bulletins, available via the website (members only).

The cover shows almost all covers of 50 years of Dutch go.
Sad moment. :crying_cat_face:


You might want to put Terms In Dutch Go Magazine at Sensei's Library in the OP.

I remember that I once asked a Dutch player about terms in his language, and he said he didn’t know them and that they used English (and presumably Japanese) ones…

Perhaps something has changed since the 1990s.

There’s some Dutch terms that are borrowed from chess or board games in general, or that are literal translation. A lot of the ones on senseis feel very forced or unnatural to me, though.

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Which ones do you take issue with?

Probably about half of them. They read like literal translations, not like something originating from Dutch. It’s weird, like reading mathematics in Dutch. I always feel very weird with these translated words in my mother language that I know by heart from a foreign one.

One that I’d specifically want to change is anything mentioning “knip” as a translation of “cut”. I think cutting stones off is analogous to cutting people off in traffic, and thus should be translated as “afsnijden”, not as “afknippen”.

“voorhand” en “nahand” are just ridiculous.