Fast Correspondence Tournaments

I thought about doing my own tournaments and my formula should be something like RR, rank near mine (+3k, -3k), 5 members, start when full.
And FAST! :smiley:

But at the moment I’m still engaged in some very long tournament, so I have to wait for better times. :slightly_smiling_face:

With ~50 tournaments this year, my Fast 9x9 series has been a lot of fun and produced a few friendly rivalries. Here’s a special version to celebrate and farewell 2019:

If you are a Fast Correspondence 9x9 player, I hope you will join us.

Especially for those who find themselves twiddling their thumbs a bit during the festive season or simply can’t resist.


Initial Pairing Method Random
Subsequent Pairing Method Random

Are you sure about these?

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Actually yes. Sorry to disappoint you.

It’s a Christmas Special and while others may feel differently, I would like to increase the chances of meeting unfamiliar opponents regardless of rank.

My personal opinion is that it is of no great concern on 9x9. One of the things I love about 9x9 it that a single mistake can tip the balance and therefor even I have a (small) chance against someone ten ranks above me and I can’t afford to be complacent against someone ten less.

So lets mingle.

It may placate you to hear that I have my doubts about how pairing works in Simul. McMahon. The first round may be random (not guaranteed) but I am expecting to see the usual ‘by points more or less’ arrangement for subsequent rounds so this is also a bit of an experiment.

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On OGS the pairings don’t care about MM-score.

If it’s by design then I surrender.

I might suggest inviting fast players from sitewide ladder. But not now, closer to the start.

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I created 3 RR tournaments restricted by ranks (dan, sdk and ddk). I’ll add more once they’re full.


Hope you enjoy!


I’ll throw another poll your way. Do you prefer having only RRs divided by rank, or keeping only RRs without rank restriction?

  • I want only RRs divided by rank (DDK, SDK and DAN)
  • I want only RRs without rank restriction

0 voters

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Why not have some of both?

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I want to know what’s each one’s preference, this doesn’t mean we’re gonna have only one of them.

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Hello fellow fast correspondents. As most of you know, I run a weekly FC-9x9 series which is open to all. This will continue but I have noticed that it has become primarily filled with regular SDKs. In response I trialed a couple of DDK only versions to gauge interest. Both ( & were well received with minimal disqualifications.

In short I am wondering if anyone would be interested in running a series of DDK FC-9x9 tournaments along these lines. Ideally a person who would often wish to play in them as well, as this makes monitoring the no-vac rule easier.

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Hi all! I’ll start creating 2d+8h Round Robins restricted by rank, apart from the ones without rank restrictions, which I’ll continue creating. Let’s begin with three groups with some overlapping to see how they go:

DANs (3k and above)
SDKs (9k up to 1k)
DDKs (7k and below)


What happens if my rank drops out of the bracket before the tournament starts :joy:

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Yeah, that can happen :man_shrugging:


I thought I’d give it a try, but tournaments for my rank have all spots taken. :cry:

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I’ll start one for next week. You can join that one.

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Are there enough Fast C. players to make this work? I was going to ask first and then figured why not just find out. :grinning:

My conditions for success are 100 entrants and at least 40 finishers making it comparable to a title tournament.


I hope there is enough interest for this to get started. Currently only 52 players have signed up, and the tournament will not happen if we don’t have 60 signed up.


17 days left and only 8 players missing.
There should be no problems. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’d like to participate but I have already two tournaments going with good pace.


I created this one, it will be buried in the tournament page so I thought to also post it here.

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