Feature request: recreate correspondence challenges when cancelled immediately

here’s a thread about the same topic:

i think everyone understands that the current system is a bit of pita, but that there aren’t
clear solutions and it kind of works well enough. i’m not sure i’d want something with a
vague policy committing me to playing games

although i do have a tangental whine…i usually set min rank because i dont like playing
high handicap games. however the rank being used to compare is the aggregate rank,
not the corr rank, which is used to select handicap. so i end up playing 9 stone games
even though i really would rather not…(try to stay w/in 5 in either direction)…so after
a couple really frustrating games i think i’m just going to start cancelling them thus
making them another source of stillborn corr games
(there, there’s my tie in)