Feature Suggestion: Ability to Hide Forum Topics

Would it be possible to give users the option to Hide topics in the Forums?

This would give a bit of control on what is seen on the main “feed”, when opening the forums - since popular topics get bumped back to the top very often at each new reply.
This would really help create a pleasant and personable atmosphere.

What I have in mind is a feature similar to the Reddit “Hide” button - possibly by placing it in the “three dots” (“show more”) menu, that is at the bottom of topics, perhaps between the “Flag” and “Bookmark” buttons (for reference it currently looks like this):

I suppose that would require also to save that list somewhere in the user’s profile. And/or give a list of Hidden posts somewhere in the profile, so as to give the option to make topics visible again. I realise this may come very close to last in the global priorities of things, but still.

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Worth noting, OGS uses a software called discourse for the forums page, so most feature requests about forums specifically would really need to go through meta.discourse.org.


D’oh! Thanks for the insta reply! That was exactly what I was looking for

Bonus points for showing it applied to this very topic :sweat_smile:


In your settings you can hide whole categories as well.


If you wish to find what you have previously “muted” go to Preferences>Categories>Muted and click ‘show’.


Note that preference are a bit hidden, need to open the right menu avatar button and in the pop up the little man one.

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Is there a way to do it without scrolling all the way down? Some threads just explode. Probably not, but it doesn’t hurt to ask.

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There is a keyboard shortcut to mute a thread “m, m” (double tapping the M key).

Also, the “End” key jumps to the end of a thread, and all keyboard shortcuts can be found by pressing “?”.

On mobile, you can quickly scroll to the end of a thread, by tapping on the blue box in the bottom-right with numbers that looks something like “4 / 9” (actual number vary depending on which post you are on and how many there are total in the thread). That should open a pop-up interface that makes it easier to quickly jump to the bottom, where you can find the mute thread options.


You can use the shortcut for scrolling: tap on this cell and then scroll down the whole thread in a swipe.

Ouch! Yebellz already said that! :grin:


You included a picture, though, so I think yebellz has to reply with an animation or fold.


Use the slide bar:

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This works only with messages currently displayed in the page, aka those already loaded.

With very long threads this won’t bring you to the end of thread but only some messages forward.


I tried it out in the Go Memes thread (2700 replies) and it worked fine for me.

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Same! The trick is that the text at the bottom of the slide bar is clickable, and clicking on it brings you instantly to the end of the thread

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I’m sorry. The slide bar you mentioned is actually the same I was talking before (tap on “n/m” box and then swipe that bar up or down).

In my browser I see also another slider which is the one that doesn’t work with long pages.
I use Samsung browser on android. With chrome that slider isn’t there.

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