Found and Thank you

I just started go a while ago. I would really like someone who can help me get to at least 25 Kyu.
Someone to play a few teaching games of Go with me (preferably over Skype easier to talk about mistakes and everything) Give me tips on how to improve my game and so on. Thanks please message if you are willing to help me out a bit. :slight_smile:

Hey, I would like to be short term go teacher.
My features:

  • I am kyu
  • I do not own a microphone
  • I often lack the ability to keep a review reasonably short
  • When I review a game, I write things like "A is better than B - Oh wait, actually B might be better - Oh no, I was correct - Oh no, I wasn't."
  • I probably can't teach anything you couldn't learn from playing games, solving problems, watching videos and reading articles
  • My previous student doesn't play go at the moment


I am serious in my volunteering, I just thought it was/were/would be(?) funny to do it this way. I suppose I should have written a private message instead of a forum post.


Sorry I just looked on the fourms and thank you for helping me

OK, old thread, but nevermind.

[quote=“wurfmaul, post:4, topic:925, full:true”]
I am serious in my volunteering,[/quote]Oh. Cool!

[quote]I just thought it was/were/would be(?) funny to do it this way. I suppose I should have written a private message instead of a forum post.[/quote]Oh NO, @wurfmaul, that WAS funny and I wouldn’t want to have missed it, I liked it in spite of the suspicious-looking emoticon I posted (which I did because, to me, it seemed to be an adequately funny reply).

Just wanted to add this just so nobody misunderstands.

Greetz, Tom