Game review 15k vs 15k

it only decreases number of liberties of your group, so it becomes easier to capture your group later
ko never easy to win and gains would be very small here

again, only decreases number of liberties of your group

useless move, that group was already caught in a ladder
opponent already inevitably can capture it





I added a few comments in the game chat.


Capture d'écran 2024-04-16 100010

This move is a strategic mistake. You already have a weak group (triangled stones) and you are creating a second group in the corner. If you intended to play in the corner, then you shouldn’t have played F15 before and sacrificed F17.

Capture d'écran 2024-04-16 100908

In addition your corner is not yet alive. You need to add a move if you want to live.

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There are mistakes in this corner as said.

This threat of cutting is not that a threat because you need still a move to live. White development is fine.

if you try to attack further instead you may lose your corner.

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what is the biggest 1 or 2 ?



2 because it captures connecting stones. 1 has no attacking effect it is far too early to close your boundary better things to do somewhere else.

After this exchange, you change place and played somewhere else (tenuki)

Was it a good idea?

Yes, absolutly!

When looking at the exchange of 1 for 2 i’m trying to understand why you played it.

Just looking at the result after your opponent answers, what happened?

You weaken your weak stones on the left and strengthen your strong on the right. Not logic.

Upon this and @stone.defender explaination before, my feeling is you try to capture the uncapturable, to enclose the unenclosable, to status a group safe when unsafe. there should be some reasons beyond a reading to improve, like some hope that your opponent will not see and not answering but it’s so essential for progressing to not be in this way and play good working moves instead. Fair enough to experiment but they are costly like here, better imaginate them. And consider your opponent with the same qualities as you.


I reviewed your game. Dont worry vs. ju-ju-

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