Gender Survey

4 posts were split to a new topic: Text editors that Go players like

Back on topic: did this poll need to clarify about transgender? Don’t transgender people by definition identify as the nominated gender, so calling it out was superflous, after phrasing the question correctly (as was done)?

I suspect that if this call-out had not been done, transgender people would have felt included by the question, and people who find the topic hard to countenance would not have had it drawn to their attention :wink:


You’re right. In fact, I suppose my specification that they are included could potentially be offensive to a transgender person :pensive:

Moral of this story: it is seriously hard to come up with a correct poll :smiley: :smiley: (I feel the pain, see “should analyse mode default off” :slight_smile: )

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I was just about to say that the sentiment around almost every poll I’ve encountered here (mine and others) seems to be something like this:


Google analytics reports 73.65% male 26.35% female
Forums: 79.25% male 20.75% female


There are three types of gender:

  • gender assigned at birth
  • gender assigned by yourself as soon as you’re able to
  • gender assigned by Google :stuck_out_tongue:

(btw, I use a script blocker)


That’s actually a pretty good match for the poll eh.

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Is it? 20% women vs 5% is a pretty big difference imo!

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:man_facepalming: You are right.

I’ll be happy if we forget I said that :open_mouth:

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Well, the poll is not static, but the post about stats was. Maybe at that certain point that you replied the poll reflected Anoek’s post? :wink:

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Very kind, but unfortunately that is not the case. My thinking at the time I replied was dubious at best, so let’s forget I said that.

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Who needs enemies with friends like you, Tom :wink: