GO Basics Group Catalog: Teachers, Resources & Reviews!

The largest group on OGS, available at anytime.

Hello everyone! This forum thread will be the tentative directory for GO Basics, the largest group on OGS. This thread will be constantly updated as an information center. If you wish to join the group, please do so at http://online-go.com/group/25.

Our teaching crew (in updating process)

Here’s a list of our loyal teachers and reviewers, so you can ask them questions, arrange a review or teaching game, or just drop them a thank you. :smiley:

Please contact xhu98 (Mail/PM) if you wish to join the GO Basics teaching crew! We appreciate players of all levels to contribute to our team!

xhu98 (3d)

mark5000 (1d)

Levvo (1d)

Beverast (2k)

herminator (2d)

mguaypac (10k)

Cab (11k)


GO Basics is regularly hosting live & correspondence tournaments for everyone to enjoy! Announcements about upcoming tournaments will appear here. For a complete list of past tournaments, please visit our group page!

GO Basics Champion of the Champions

  1. This tournament is invitational; to qualify for an invitation, a player is required to have achieved any of the top 3 places in past Q&R live tournaments (top 6 planned for Q&R X.) If you have qualified yet not received an invitation, please contact xhu98.
  2. This is a Simultaneous McMahon correspondence tournament. Games will employ a 1d+12h<=2d Fischer time setting. There is no handicap and no elimination. McMahon Bars are 15k and 5k.
  3. The tournament is scheduled to start on September 1.