Go book beginner

hey i am new into go, since a month and around 25k now, nearly 24k. does somebody has recommendations for a go book? or a overview of which books are a selection.

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Best book.

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thanks, but i search something analog.

It’s a physical book


oh i thought he made sensei as a general page. so thank you!

do you guys know another good book for tsumego?

As a starter (because it’s essential to have a tsumego book adequate to a level) I may recommend go problems for beginners 4 vol

It’s only for beginners in the first volume btw.

I guess you mean Graded Go Problems for Beginners? Also available as physical books as well as online. I agree, these are good for anyone from complete beginner up to shodan (volumes 3 and 4 are harder than advertised!)

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I’d second the recommendation for Graded Go Problems for Beginners. Vol 1 is the perfect place to start.