Go Memes Pedantry

I thought there were rules created to fool Western Go players so that they would never reach the performance of those in China, but after I applied them and saw that they were good I continued to say, to those I play with especially, that there are rules created to fool Go players in the West.


Still searching why my name is there ?


I cannot figure out neither.

Is this explanation enough?

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I think while it makes sense to focus on this in trying to capture the qualitative aspects, it doesn’t quite describe the content as a whole. I don’t think any particular instance not possessing a usual property disqualifies it from being classified as the same.

Many people could look at a terrible attempt at a meme but still recognise it as a meme by it being some sort of template for example. So I don’t think popularity or humour is necessarily a requirement, it’s just that the typical meme examples that come to mind are popular or funny etc.


I think you forgot to add a line on the bottom.


Maybe it’s the Mercedes logo

Straight back to pedantry, I see :smiley:


I found this picture on
where it was labelled as a peace sign, but all the other photos did indeed have an extra line, like this

without the pizza of course.

That is the peace sign, which was, I seem to recall, derived symbolically from a semaphore signal. At least 40 years ago, people were laughing about how the Mercedes logo was widely confused with the peace sign.

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There are much more peace signals.

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I’m not talking about the others, but about the symbol under discussion here, which was the symbol closely identified with the hippie movement in the 1960s. I was there, and I know.

I don’t think anyone confuses the Mercedes logo with the dove of peace.


Woodstock? Been there?

No, but I had friends that were there, as well as Mayday 1970 at the Pentagon.


Is that Richard Nixon?
Up until Donald Trump came along he was the prototype of an evil president, now he looks quite decent :- :rofl:

Yes, that’s Nixon. I don’t think the V signs were meant to signal peace. Maybe I should have used the caption “Peace Out” instead.

Hahaha, yeah, trump makes a lot of people look less bad, in comparison. Glad that he’s gone.

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Me too, let’s hope he doesn’t come back next election.


I think this Brandon fellow has a very good chance of getting in, he seems very popular these days!

4 years is too short, takes too much space in the news.

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