Go Pro Yeonwoo English YouTube Channel!

I find most of Michael Redmond’s commentaries too complex for me; but on his youtube channel there’s a playlist on basic josekis that’s aimed at less experienced players. I found it really helpful at around 17kyu (old ranks), particularly on the 3-3 invasion.


IMHO people really overplay it. I didn’t like his videos back in the day because I didn’t like people who would say for example do this.

“I am 6d but I won’t play anyone EVER to prove it!”

There were a few players back in the day who would go around telling others they were really high ranking but avoid actually playing games so those around them wouldn’t figure out they weren’t actually as strong as people thought they were.

But, as for people saying he is toxic or rude I really mean it when I say people are overplaying it. People definitely perceive him as toxic or rude but maybe that is because they have a sense of honor for serious-ness in go? He takes the game seriously he will just make comments like

“eww what is that move that is gross get away from me!”
“so you got 7dan off of tricking people got it…”

I will say though that some of the people in his stream are super entitled (but, imho most people are these days) and if they say something like “that is gote” he will ask them “how is it gote?” a few times which results in them leaving the stream or just remaining quiet. I assume people might perceive this as bad?

In any case point is he is probably less toxic then you think for sure if he can even be considered toxic.

(Also for the record I have only watched his streams of the last probably 2 months and haven’t seen anything I would categorize as toxic) So I am not saying he has never been toxic just that if you can go 2 months without being toxic then I doubt your actually toxic and your probably having a run in with toxic viewers instead (or snow flake viewers).


Sometimes in the streams his personality can come of as being aggressive, specially if he’s been playing for hours and/or his opponent is doing a bunch on greedy unreasonable invasions.

His YouTube videos are a bit more curated.
I’m sure strong players will not agree with him on a lot of things, but I think he has pretty good content at a kyu level.

Let’s face it, a lot of the Go content out there can be very complicated, and people presenting it are usually not very engaging. Dwyrin is engaging and he’s a big proponent of solid and basic moves that adhere to the fundaments.

I wouldn’t completely discard him without at least giving some of his videos a try. I enjoyed his legend88 game review series, I would give those a try.

EDIT: this is the first video of the series I’m referring to: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CmI5Ppl2Ho4


This was exactly what I was thinking of.

This is why I love watching his stuff and toon in daily he doesn’t just teach you but also entertains you keeps a “I am here to teach you but also to entertain you” vibe.

This is actually just my opinion as a stronger player and someone also stronger then dwyrin. I don’t disagree with him on most things. I just think he is bad at executing them and sometimes his style is to… calm? I don’t know how to put it but he has the right idea and explains it ultimately well so if you are a learner if you try hard to understand what he is saying (which applies to ANY TEACHER) if you listen to what the teacher is saying and not just looking at the moves they are playing then ultimately he is a good teacher.

Being a teacher and telling you the right mindset, the right idea is so much easier then executing those things in our own games. So I wouldn’t disregard the things he says as a strong player just sometimes question the way he plays :slight_smile:

(Sorry I hit post before I finished my thoughts the above is an edit).


Being a teacher and telling you the right mindset, the right idea is so much easier then executing those things in our own games.

So true…

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Yoons Baduk Cafe…


Yes, I wanted to mention this. Yoon has such a soothing voice and makes everything sound so unscary and straightforward.


Nice. Will check.

That reminds me of something funny actually. I watch Yeonwoo so much that my wife calls her my “Go mistress”.

My wife: “Oh, so you’re putting on your Go mistress again are you!?” LOL


I read with ducks now thanks to her hahaha

“Duck duckduck duckduckduck duck duck duckduckduck” :rofl:

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I think I start to do that too sometimes, more or less unintentionally. Not so much a ‘duck’, ‘dak’ or ‘tac’ sound (something with a ‘ck’ sound I suppose) but more like ‘dum’ or ‘dah’ possibly.

I’ll have to pay attention to the next time I find myself doing it :stuck_out_tongue:


tak tak tak tak tak tak tak


Yay, she’s back!


Was a good video too!

One of the best, I never really understood the other hane!

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So I think deep down I knew about the cut. But, I seem to play the hane variation without the cut. I always wondered why the situation felt so unfavorable for me. Now I know :-).

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Oh no! My secret weapon exposed!


Speaking of Yeonwoo anyone know if there has been any news about her go school that she wants to open?

I hope she plans to do it online (going to korea sounds like to big of a trip rn). Been considering different leagues and schools and if she opens one then I think that is going to be my choice.


Hot off the press!


Woo thanks!

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I really enjoyed this video and this pro game. So creative and such exciting fighting. Throw the joseki book away and just make it up as you go along. So refreshing!