Go problems for white

I’ve been working on go problems and have noticed that they’re all involve black and black to play, I don’t like playing black, also more often than not I see myself playing white . So are there any go problems for white to play and win ? If not why ins’ t there?

The color is irrelevant, the problem will be exactly the same if the colors are swapped.


There is a button in the problem toolbar that allows you to swap colors. The one with half-black/half-white stone on it.


Life and Death by James Davies has a lot of problems of the type “Determine the status of the group”, so you have to read from both players’ viewpoints.

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How is color not relevant? especially when black has the first move? it is a different play for white, it takes white more moves to resolve, defend, attack, hence in why KOMI

is that available online? is there a website?

It’s an old Ishi press/Kiseido book, so I doubt it is (unless you count torrents with scans as “available online”). Although if you have an Apple device to run the SmartGo book reader on, the book is available in SmartGo format. The printed book is available from Kiseido.

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cool, thank for the info it should help me become stronger! looking to get to 10k