This is a group that shares go strategies😀
Would anyone want to?
Into it. Where the mirror go gang at?
What do you mean?
Mirror go is a strategy where you play the exact opposite of what your opponent played
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Oh! I’ve played that before on OGS, it’s so much fun!
I’ve heard Oscar talking about some other Spanish (edit: European) player who specializes in mirror Go, so when Oscar takes Black against him, he immediately just plays tengen so he doesn’t have to deal with it
Not bad… I mean tengen is the best move anyway…
I think it’s Jonas Welticke (german player). See for instance this game.
That’s cool!
Hey, do any of you guys have any strategies that can win games more?
I think trying to follow basic fundamental principles is normally most effective. Trying unusual openings or flashy tesuji can often be enjoyable, but I think you’re less likely to win with that.
Aside from that, I think the very best strategy to win more games is actually the strategy that will help you improve the most:
Regular study and practice!! Play lots of games, lose lots of games, review all your games, watch stronger players play, listen to professional commentary, solve Go problems, but don’t forget to have fun and enjoy the game while you do all these things!
Me too, I think following josekis at the beginning can also
I know a couple go strategies.
Cool, I want to know!
One would be to take corners first, then the sides and then the centre. Before you say that you know it, there are people as high as 3k on this server that don’t follow it properly and violate it in a wrong way (there’s a right way to violate it but it’s a secret)
I don’t know if I’m the person you’re referring to, but I’m 3k now and I almost always play o13 when I’m black
I don’t even know what is the right way to violate it. I enjoy attacking everything. I think it’s a good strategy, because it often works.
Ok I’ll try using it, see if it works!