伍と碁 go to go Chapter 1 Kanji reference sheet

I was thinking of making a kanji reference sheet for reading chapter 1 of Go to Go, the new Go manga being released.

As mentioned

for reading purposes it might be better to just read with google lens or wait until an English translation is out.

For kanji learners it might be fun or useful to have a reference sheet.

So, my thinking might be to reserve post #2 in this thread as a wiki post that people can edit, and then maybe add in a list of kanji, in the order they appear.

You don’t have to add any or participate, or you can just add ones you don’t know yourself or find interesting. There’s no required pace, like a book club, but below post 2, discussion about the characters, meaning, the plot etc can also be done (why not?).

Initially I’ll add some kanji from the first couple of pages, with some links to resources like

or if you like any other dictionary like resources for vocab and kanji. The formatting can kind of be worked out then, whether page by page (but I don’t think there’s page numbers) (I found the page numbers :slight_smile: ), or just the order they appear in first, or some other groupings.


Wiki post for containing the kanji, and links if useful to readings and meanings etc.

Page 1
Kanji reading meaning link
five Meaning of 伍 | Kanji dictionary | JLearn.net
Go (the game ) Meaning of 碁, ご, go | Japanese Dictionary | JLearn.net
野球 やきゅう baseball Meaning of 野球, やきゅう, yakyuu | Japanese Dictionary | JLearn.net
ショウ, こ little/small Meaning of 小 | Kanji dictionary | JLearn.net
小4 しょうよん grade 4 elementary school
初めて はじめて For the first time Meaning of 初めて, はじめて, hajimete | Japanese Dictionary | JLearn.net
打席 だせき batters box, first time batting Meaning of 打席, だせき, daseki | Japanese Dictionary | JLearn.net
ダ, う Strike hit (also for placing go stones) Meaning of 打 | Kanji dictionary | JLearn.net
中3 ちゅうさん Grade 3 middle school
自分 じぶん myself, oneself Meaning of 自分, じぶん, jibun | Japanese Dictionary | JLearn.net
天才 てんさい genius, prodigy Meaning of 天才, てんさい, tensai | Japanese Dictionary | JLearn.net
と思った とおもった I thought (past tense) Meaning of 思 | Kanji dictionary | JLearn.net
勉強 べんきょう study Meaning of 勉強, べんきょう, benkyou | Japanese Dictionary | JLearn.net
高1 こういち first year high school
問題 もんだい problem (can also number go puzzles in books) Meaning of 問題, もんだい, mondai | Japanese Dictionary | JLearn.net
簡単 かんたん easy Meaning of 簡単, かんたん, kantan | Japanese Dictionary | JLearn.net
解けた とけた solved, resolved Meaning of 解ける, とける, tokeru | Japanese Dictionary | JLearn.net
確信 かくしん conviction, belief Meaning of 確信, かくしん, kakushin | Japanese Dictionary | JLearn.net
捌いた さばいた handle well, dealt with Meaning of 捌く, さばく, sabaku | Japanese Dictionary | JLearn.net
Pages 2 and 3

Pages 2 and 3 are like title pages, so maybe group them together.

Kanji reading meaning link
囲碁 いご full name of the game of Go Meaning of 囲碁, いご, igo | Japanese Dictionary | JLearn.net
Pages 4 and 5

Page 4 hasn’t much text.

Kanji reading meaning link
ネン、とし year Meaning of 年, とし, toshi | Japanese Dictionary | JLearn.net
ゲツ、ガツ、つき month, moon Meaning of 月 | Kanji dictionary | JLearn.net
第一局 だいいちきょく First (go) game Meaning of 一局, いっきょく, ikkyoku | Japanese Dictionary | JLearn.net
逆立ち さかだち handstand, headstand Meaning of 逆立ち, さかだち, sakadachi | Japanese Dictionary | JLearn.net
秋山恒星 あきやまこうせい characters name Akiyama Kousei
一歳 いっさい one year old (age) JLearn.net: Search results for 一歳
かた shoulder Meaning of 肩, かた, kata | Japanese Dictionary | JLearn.net
入れる いれる Meaning of 入れる, いれる, ireru | Japanese Dictionary | JLearn.net
幼少期 ようしょうき Early childhood Jisho.org: Japanese Dictionary
あだ名 あだな nickname Jisho.org: Japanese Dictionary
神童 しんどう child prodigy Meaning of 神童, しんどう, shindou | Japanese Dictionary | JLearn.net
なん、なに what Meaning of 何 | Kanji dictionary | JLearn.net
Pages 6 & 7
Kanji reading meaning link
将来 しょうらい Future (first character is the sho in shogi) Meaning of 将来, しょうらい, shourai | Japanese Dictionary | JLearn.net
はなし Talk, topic Meaning of 話, はなし, hanashi | Japanese Dictionary | JLearn.net
声かけ こえかけ Say something (to someone) Jisho.org: Japanese Dictionary
全部 ぜんぶ All, altogether Meaning of 全部, ぜんぶ, zenbu | Japanese Dictionary | JLearn.net
断る ことわる Refuse, reject Meaning of 断る, ことわる, kotowaru | Japanese Dictionary | JLearn.net
大谷翔平 おおたにしょうへい Otani Shouhei, Japanese baseball pitcher Shohei Ohtani - Wikipedia
久保 くぼ Yuya Kubo, footballer 久保裕也 (サッカー選手) - Wikipedia
錦織 にしこり Likely Kei Nishikori, tennis player Kei Nishikori - Wikipedia
同じ おなじ Same Meaning of 同じ, おなじ, onaji | Japanese Dictionary | JLearn.net
名前 なまえ Name Meaning of 名前, なまえ, namae | Japanese Dictionary | JLearn.net
薄れる うすれる Fade, become dim Meaning of 薄れる, うすれる, usureru | Japanese Dictionary | JLearn.net
恒ちゃん こうちゃん Kou, probably a nickname for main character Kousei
実は じつは Actually, by the way Meaning of 実は, じつは, jitsuha | Japanese Dictionary | JLearn.net
脳みそ のうみそ Brains Meaning of 脳味噌, のうみそ, noumiso | Japanese Dictionary | JLearn.net
時代 じだい Period, epoch, the times, those days Meaning of 時代, じだい, jidai | Japanese Dictionary | JLearn.net
Pages 8 & 9
Kanji reading meaning link
将棋界 しょうぎかい The Shogi world, Japanese chess Shogi - Wikipedia Meaning of 界, かい, kai | Japanese Dictionary | JLearn.net
前人未到 ぜんじんみとう Unprecedented Meaning of 前人未到, ぜんじんみとう, zenjinmitou | Japanese Dictionary | JLearn.net
八冠 はちかん 8 crowns, there’s 8 shogi tournaments Eight Crown Shogi Master Sota Fujii Reaches New Record with 20th Consecutive Win | JAPAN Forward
制覇 せいは Conquest, domination Meaning of 制覇, せいは, seiha | Japanese Dictionary | JLearn.net
母ちゃん かあちゃん Mom Meaning of 母ちゃん, かあちゃん, kaachan | Japanese Dictionary | JLearn.net
教室 きょうしつ Class, small school Meaning of 教室, きょうしつ, kyoushitsu | Japanese Dictionary | JLearn.net
行く いく to go Meaning of 行く, いく, iku | Japanese Dictionary | JLearn.net
覚えた おぼえた learned, memorised https://jisho.org/word/覚える
言う いう To say https://jlearn.net/search/言う
置いていて おいといて Leave behind https://jlearn.net/dictionary/置いて行く
藤井 ふじい Fujii Sota, 8 crowns holder https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sōta_Fujii
Pages 10 & 11
Kanji reading meaning link
達成 たっせい achievement, accomplishment https://jlearn.net/dictionary/達成
連日 れんじつ day after day, every day https://jlearn.net/dictionary/連日
お祭り騒ぎ おまつりさわぎ festival merrymaking, revelry https://jlearn.net/dictionary/お祭り騒ぎ
経験 けいけん experience https://jlearn.net/dictionary/経験
絶対 ぜったい definitely, absolutely https://jlearn.net/dictionary/絶対
10代 10だい teenager (teens), https://jlearn.net/dictionary/10代
伝説 でんせつ tradition, legend, https://jlearn.net/dictionary/伝説
残した のこした to leave (behind) https://jlearn.net/dictionary/残す
流れ 流れ flow (of a fluid or gas), stream, current https://jlearn.net/dictionary/流れ
かす haze, mist https://jlearn.net/dictionary/霞
歴史 れきし history https://jlearn.net/dictionary/歴史
一生 いっしょう whole life, a lifetime, all through life, https://jlearn.net/dictionary/一生
人生 じんせい (human) life https://jlearn.net/dictionary/人生
承認 しょうにん recognition, acknowledgement, acknowledgment, approval, consent, agreement https://jlearn.net/dictionary/承認
欲求 よっきゅう desire, want, will, wish, urge, craving https://jlearn.net/dictionary/欲求
承認欲求 しょうにんよっきゅう need for social approval and self-esteem https://jlearn.net/dictionary/承認欲求
Pages 12 & 13
Kanji reading meaning link
Pages 14 & 15
Kanji reading meaning link

Some additional resources I might add a few in here, that I come across while reading about different things.

school years

小4 like a reference to 小学校 elementary school
中3 reference to 中学校 middle school.

Dates in Japanese

Japanese honorifics

Things like chan ちゃん、san さん etc


I hadn’t really decided if the readings should follow usual conventions like having On and kun yomi in katakana and hiragana respectively, or if they should be in romaji with the other convention of On yomi capitalised and kun yomi lowercase.

I suppose it depends on who’s interested in it.

Maybe the katakana/hiragana makes sense, as at least you don’t have to think about whether to write things like kou or kō etc. It’s also possible to copy and paste them if one wants to learn how to pronounce it etc.

I’ll attempt to stick with the most recent edits convention anyway, but it can always be updated further if and as it grows.

My reasoning was, if someone’s trying to learn kanji, they either know the kana, or it’s high time they learned

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Yeah it’s a fair point, especially if the goal is to try to read segments of a comic in Japanese. I’m kind of aware of some introductory books, like Japanese for Busy People that have things fully in romaji. Probably not a relevant context anyway.

I suppose if anyone is following along and wants it, we could think of adding a romaji column or something :slight_smile:

Probably good to include the idiom which was the key of chapter 1? 「井の中の蛙大海を知らず」.

Also one thing to note is that the kanji for even game was written wrongly in the manga. It’s supposed to be 互先 but it was written as 互い戦.

Like @Samraku mentioned in the other thread, probably having a google sheet where everyone can edit will be better :smile:


This [the wiki post] has the advantage of being more convenient to contribute to

EDIT: clarified ambiguity

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A random tidbit from Richard Hunter’s JEJ1

On 互先 or 互い先.

I don’t know about 互い戦. Is it page 24 for example?

Like 互い戦投了. I guess the part before had a handicap game, so it would make sense that they’re moving onto even games.

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Yeah, the author was saying all the typo will be fixed when the first volume comes out

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Everyone can edit posts 2 & 3 I think. There might be something about super new accounts can’t, but otherwise everyone can.

There’s just more overhead and things to thing about with google sheets.

I guess having an excel style sheet is cleaner, but there’s permissions, and who owns it, and possibly needing to be signed in.

If it works better, it probably wouldn’t be too hard to do, but it’s nice that it’s just cleanly visible without navigating away. (I guess it’s not downloadable though).

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Oh I just realised it. Didn’t know it was possible.

How are the terms ordered?

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I mean, it’s a markdown table, so if someone really wanted to they could extract the data pretty straightforwardly

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At the moment, just to get started I was going page by page, but if there wasn’t much on a page, then maybe just put two or three pages together.

In theory I was thinking to order them by appearance, like top right to bottom left, assuming that that’s the correct reading order.

It’s not the worst thing of things get duplicated, like if by page 24, it’s not clear if a kanji was included in an earlier page.

I also only noticed the page numbering by accident, when the navigation bar and other bits randomly showed up.

Open to suggestions for better organisation. I haven’t really learned the dictionary like way kanji are ordered by reading, though I did get a physical dictionary to learn/practice at some point.

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I’ve also just been adding in extra space, because there’s maybe a recent(?) feature where there’s an edit table button, so you don’t to edit the markdown like

| 何|なに | …|

but instead it looks like a little excel table like

I don’t really mind that much about the content, whether it’s restricted to just kanji, words that have with mixed kanji and hiragana (like あだ名) or like common vocab like (なる=become) which might be often in hiragana rather than kanji etc.

For me personally, I like the idea of a kanji vocab sheet anyway, it’s not as taxing as trying to get a perfect translation, and it’s a handy little reference, if I just want to remember or learn new words, while also looking at the manga.

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Is there a way to jump to the wiki quickly without having to scroll up each time?

Besides bookmarking it?

and then either of these two

One is just a fast scroll, the other is jump to post number

One interesting thing to note is that Kousei says 「囲碁界の藤井聡太にオレはなる」(I will become the Fujii Sota of the Go World).

This structure is actually the same as what Luffy in One Piece says: 「海賊王におれはなる!」(I will become the Pirate King!)

This structure is not commonly used in day to day communications. The more common one will be “Ore wa xxx ni naru” which has the same meaning. This is also one of the unique features of Japanese where you can scramble the object and the subject.

Maybe the One Piece author did it to stress the “Pirate King” or he just wanted to make it catchy. It is one of the most famous phrases among the people who reads Shonen. Not sure whether the author of Go to Go also intentionally wrote it that way, but I thought that it was interesting.


Wouldn’t it be patient and agent here, since we’re talking about roles, not subject (marked by が) and object (marked by を)? :wink: