Go variant: SAS Go

I can referree Vsotvep vs kingkaio if you both want to play right now :slightly_smiling_face:


Sure, 18k difference but fine with me. @Vsotvep?

Sure, let’s go!

Can you record the game and put it on YT, @le_4TC?


“Novice Moderator Murders TPK In New Strategy Game!! (You Won’t Believe The Ruleset)”


I’m eating right now, so I’ll probably not record this first one, but I’m sure we’ll play more!


So, let’s do 9x9 for the first one. I set up a demo board here:

Once you both have messaged me your moves I’ll make them on the board, or inform you about a collision.
I think we don’t need to worry about time control for this first test game :slightly_smiling_face:

Edit: Komi is obviously zero, I don’t think I got an option to change it for the demo board…


Pitfall: suppose there’s an incredibly urgent key move on the board early in the game. Both players always choose that move, for the rest of the game. And suppose there comes a second incredibly urgent move. The players always choose the first first, and the second second… It could get tedious rather quickly.

You’d think so, but you couldn’t be more wrong. We had that, and it’s exciting beyond description, actually.


First game finished

I’ll be a referee for the next one

Anyone want to play?

should we invite you to the next Go Diplomacy game we set up in chat?


I’m available if there is only one willing player, otherwise I’ll let two other people play since it’s getting a bit late for me today :slightly_smiling_face:

Perhaps @mark5000 wants to play @le_4TC ? I’m curious how dans would approach this

(or perhaps tomorrow, when it’s not in the middle of the night)

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One thing that helps not make it tedious is that you don’t have to submit your moves one by one. Vsotvep posted moves like “XX, else YY”. You could extend this for multiple moves if there is a clear chain of descending urgency. If there are couple of big points of about equal importance, chances are both players will get one each soon enough though.


The next person who volunteers will play @le_4TC

I can’t play today because I gotta work, but this sounds like a really interesting idea, and I’m definitely onboard to try it out at some point if it catches on


We could try a correspondence?

I think live is fine, just at another time. There’s more than enough future ahead to play thousands of ogssasgogs (OGS SAS-Go Games) if we want.


How about OSGG