Go World News

Yike relayed games from European pros in “中惒杯”第七届丝绸之路国际城市围棋公开赛16进8


Another game. Peak viewership is something like 80+ users.

OGS ranks are so strong 2k wins against EGF 3p :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, Artem’s been playing these games on OGS. What are they?


Good performance by Lucas Neyrinck, who is borderline 5d~6d on European ranks. AI doesn’t show many mistakes.
For the anecdote, we had a small workshop with him just last weekend and I remember him complaining about having to get up for a game in the morning. I guess he’s not too unhappy.


14 yo Ueno Risa vs 11 yo Nakamura Sumire in Female Kisei tournament. Sumire won by komi.


Yesterday three French players played their European Championship games.

Lukas Podpera (Lukan) vs Drean-Guenaizia Benjamin (ben0) / 4.5-hour game!

Viktor Lin (Sandmann6d) vs Tanguy Le Calvé (Welvang)

Ilya Shikshin (roln90) vs Rémi Campagnie (RemiC)

All games decided by points, 0.5, 3.5 and 6.5 respectively, so close.

In Shikshin’s game OGS stonks were really high peaking at 216 viewers.

Last time we had so many maybe was Transatlantic games. Didn’t we have something like 400+ viewers there? Anyone remembers?


Surma’s game got 274 viewers


Peak viewers 475



After defeating Gu Zihao and Shin Minjun last samurai Ichiriki Ryo lost to Xie Erhao. Game looked mostly even. Ryo was winning up to 5 points in early midgame but then Erhao reversed the advantage.

Semifinals are Ke Jie vs Yang Dingxin and Xie Erhao vs Shin Jinseo.

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1st CCTV World Youth Amateur On-line Weiqi on Yike from today

Personal tournament under 12 and team under 20

Participating Slovakia, Argentina, Ecuador, Thailand, Serbia, Chile, UK, Russia, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Hungary, Croatia, Mexico, Canada, China, Germany, Colombia, France, Ukraine, USA and I give up listing.


Samsung Cup Final is Ke Jie vs Shin Jinseo.

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5 pros playing at the same time


Top 2 games are finals and 3rd place decider of the European championship.
The third one is Tanguy le Calvé playing in the French championship.
I wonder what Tanguy would have done had he reached the semifinals. I guess European Championship is more important.

On a side note, the last round of French championship is taking place right now. After beting Dinerstein 2p last month, Lucas Neyrinck 5d beat Tanguy le Calvé 1p and Benjamin Dréan-Guénaïzia 6d, and will win the championship outside of an upset.
His ongoing game against Ariane Ougier 4d : https://online-go.com/game/27976656

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Peak viewers 567

From Russian stream: “Empty triangle! Drink!”


Nakamura Sumire lost to Okawa Takuya (after winning against Hoshikawa Koyo in previous round). I looked over the game but didn’t understand anything. The player she won is ~230th Japanese player and Okawa is ~180th.

Pictures: https://twitter.com/asukaigo/status/1326459146040848385

In other news in LG Cup Park Junghwan lost to Shin Minjun.

Also in Pandanet team championship Russia vs France played (which is cool because France is the strongest European country). Russian won two, lost one, and one game is gonna be played later today.

Le Calve vs Dinershteyn: https://online-go.com/game/28222456


AI ruins go once again. In Korea one of the professionals didn’t play according to their place and won a significantly stronger player. I feel it’s pretty flimsy but people already jumped on it.

Korean association should make a decision on Friday.

They say Nakamura Sumire won against Taguchi Misei in 73 moves. I wonder what happened there.

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Fujisawa Rina won 15th Aluminum Cup. It’s the first time a woman won mixed official tournament, they say.


In Japan maybe, but not in Korea.


Tell us more! I don’t even know how Korean tournaments work.

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Rui Nai Wei won the kuktsu cup (not sure of the spelling?), one of the most prominent tournaments in Korea some years ago just after being invited as a pro for the Korean federation.


Article from couple months ago.