Go Zendo


untitled (19)


untitled (20) untitled (22)

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Is the rule invariant to “toroidal” translation?


Yes :slight_smile:

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Welp, should’ve listened to @yebellz 4 hours ago


But then you would have missed out on so much of the fun you’ve been having!


I still have no idea what the rule is, so there’s probably more of that fun to come :stuck_out_tongue:

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I guess this means the rule has nothing to do with liberties, because otherwise you could move a stone/group to an edge and liberties might change. I kinda expected it either to have nothing to do with liberties or have a very complicated dependence on them.

So far nothing I thought was true is true anymore, except maybe the whole swapping colours.

Well, it could still use liberties, just liberties on the toroidal board (where every intersection on the board has 4 connections).

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But then the edge on our board is a bit meaningless? Liberty counting is no longer the usual liberty counting?

Yes, the edge of our board is meaningless now. Just as each koan is represented by an arbitrary rotation of itself, it’s represented by an arbitrary translation of itself. The edge only exists in this representation.

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So this position could be legal?


I don’t want to play anymore.

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That position would not be legal, since the board position needs to be a legal go position. However, if it were legal, it would be red.


My point is we have to liberty count with the edge there in the same way as we have to use the edge to define legal positions no?

The rule judges legal go positions based on a rule. The rule has a criterium that is invariant under toroidal translation, but that doesn’t change the fact that this game is played with koans represented by legal go positions: the koans satisfy legal go positions, but the rule is easiest to interpret if we assume the board is a torus.

So to say: whether a position is a valid koan has nothing to do with the rule.

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Right. I understand that @shinuito is a bit frustrated by this. Personally I’m no more frustrated than I already was :stuck_out_tongue: I’ll approach the boards again tomorrow with a fresh mind.

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You’re incredibly close to the answer. In fact, @shinuito might’ve already found it before, but just without incorperating the toroidal aspect of the rule.

Translation: Don’t give up now, stay up another few hours

But no one will reply now?