Go Zendo

Sorry everyone, in retrospect I misjudged how difficult this would be.

Please don’t be discouraged, everybody did a great job! You are so close to the answer :slightly_smiling_face:

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I still don’t get it.

Maybe @李建澔2 can guess the rule by now?


Well I’m still relatively annoyed. Imagine I came up with a rule that said, pretend instead of liberties working as usual, only liberties that don’t point away from the centre of the board count. The centre stone has no ‘liberties’ and the second line stones have 3 or 2 liberties rather than four. It’d be like you made a pyramid of smaller boards 3x3 and 1x1 sitting on top of each other. It should still preserve rotational and reflection symmetry.

Now suppose the rule is something like Black needs to have more total ‘liberties’ than white except when black has less groups than white in which case white should have more total ‘liberties’ than black.

Unless this happens to simplify to another sensible and easily describable rule it’s going to be somewhat frustrating to try an explain it in terms of the original stones and groups and their liberties. Several hours later the hint is pretend the go board isn’t actually a usual go board.

I was fairly annoyed at the time. Still somewhat annoyed, but it does seem to be an interesting rule that you’ve presented. I might come back to it later if it’s not solved and try again pretending the board is a torus.

It’s nothing along the level of complexity that you’re suggesting. The rule is of the form “if this board was a game of toroidal go, then …”. The second part is definitely easier than the torus part.

I mean, it’s a hard rule, but it’s a clever rule, and @yebellz even figured out the torus bit before any hints were given (although it wasn’t picked up on).

And it’s not like the first rule that was done (which required to “pretend all stones form a single group”) is any more like ‘normal go’ than this is.

Ok I think that maybe the rule is that the groups that white has can not be more then black but the white group has to be able to stay alive to count as a group.if not this is close.


I am excited for the next game .

But it does use liberties in a normal way as presented by the board it’s on. As in every black group needs to be adjacent to a white group. Then you can extend the word adjacent to a transitive meaning and say all groups should be adjacent to one another (A is beside B and B is beside C, call A also beside C).

If for some reason I decided the corners were beside the centre (Each corner gains one extra liberty and the centre gains four) of the board, and made a rule based on that, I don’t see the point in presenting the board on a usual go board. It’s more difficult because it’s misleading.

So does this rule, you’re the one dreaming about liberties.

How about you try to guess something? Given with what you were thinking before, you should basically nail the rule on your first try, now that you’re aware it’s a torus.



The first one does tell as much but the second one does give some info

The Major hint is that it is a really easy rule, if the board is interpreted as a torus.

I put two extra in there:

untitled untitled (1) untitled (3) untitled (2)

I think that the rule has something with liberties and groups .

It has nothing to do with liberties.


Wait will it be something about staying alive.

I mights have got a notification from YouTube.
If this are in different colors .

Do you now what Toroidal Go is? It’ll help to know that.

Why weren’t this put into that post?

So this is green too, right? I just took one of the green shapes from 42 minutes ago and switched the entire thing one down, one right.

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Green :slight_smile: