Go Zendo

Hm ok, looks like we can maybe assume color inversion invariance for now, until someone stumbles upon a counter example.

I would like to submit this Koan, which is a slight variation of the one which contained a hint, according to RubyMineshaft.


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Would you like a confirmation on this or just wait and see?

Since it wasn’t asked as a direct question, I’ll let you guys make assumptions. However, I can confirm if you want.

Interesting … after adding that single black stone, now it doesn’t follow the rule anymore.

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Yeah, save the confirmation for when we’re getting desparate :stuck_out_tongue: Right now I’m just thinking out loud so that we can work together.


It also does not seem like a libertine thing.

Empty board and single stones

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With all we know so far , I think this is red.

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Full board and small variations of full board (almost full)
And a random guess

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Since we know that colors doesn’t really matter but maybe there might be a exception.

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If a remodel one of the earlier greens:

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I think we should consider what are some potential rules/factors that are consistent with the boards.

I’m getting stuck trying to come up with anything.

So we should do all boards that are green side by side , modifying the green ones is also a good idea.As my modification of green ones became green I will try to modify until we see a few no modifications.

Modification of another board.

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Three more modifications , I have to sleep in like ten minutes.

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All still green

My last boards for me today (most likely)

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I have to make modifications until a few reds appear.