Go Zendo

I’m guessing this is green:


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May I ask about the following Koan?


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I added a check button to the koan tool similar to what @le_4TC did for his last game. Hopefully that will help move things along since I don’t have to manually respond :slight_smile:


Cool! I hope you don’t mind that the game is taking a bit longer.

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I don’t mind at all. I figured I’d add it in so no one has to wait for me to come online if they’re in the mood to think about the puzzle.

But also I really just wanted to practice writing an algorithm since it’s been a while.

I noticed that the check-button is there for all board-sizes, is the rule implemented for all all of them?

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Black and White are not interchangeable.

Koan_71 Koan_72

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Conjecture: Every board without black stones is red.

(I’ll leave it up to @RubyMineshaft whether to confirm or not, but I’ll share my conjectures with the other players in any case :slight_smile:)


I was about to ask the same conjecture :smiley:

If it’s true, the rule might say something like “There must exist a black stone / chain wich satisfies the additional condition […]”

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I haven’t been able to find any clear patterns for board with only black stones.

It seems like every board with a single black stone is green, and those with two black stones are are red precisely when the stones lie on the same gridline.

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Rules Guess:

There exists a black stone such that there exist no other stones that are in the same column or in the same row.

(i.e. there exists a black stone that is “visible” from all four edges of the board)


Yeah, the rule works the same independent of board size.


You got it!

There must be a black stone with unobstructed roads to all four edges (i.e. it is the only stone on its lines).


Alright, nice rule :grin:

Thank you @RubyMineshaft for hosting the game!

I have prepared a rule and also implemented it in javascript in the meantime. Hopefully it’s working correctly :sweat_smile:

I would like to use that rule and code for the next game, if possible.


Let’s start the next game. Thank you @le_4TC for all the help! Here’s the link: https://zendo.4tc.xyz/

I have checked many positions and am fairly confident that it’s working properly. (I had to do a bunch of debuggig, but it should work now)

For motivation I’ll kick off the game with two Koans:

This time I’m not giving some free properties, but I’ll answer any conjecture. Have fun! :smile:

confirmed properties
  • The rule is color inversion invariant.

  • The rule is invariant to rotating and mirroring the board.

  • A board with only one color will always be green.

  • A completely filled board (no empty intersections) will always be green.


Conjecture: The rule is color inversion invariant.

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This is true! (this may be obvious but let me point out that the color of all stones must be inverted)

Edit: I’ll update the first game-post to include confirmed properties

It’s helpful for me to see some koans next to each other, so I’ll be editing this post to add koans I find interesting throughout the game. Hopefully, it’ll be helpful to others as well.

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