Google DeepMind alphaGo

A ghost in the shell, you mean? :wink:


I think it can learn rudimentary queries like “why did you pick that move?” Maybe it can respond with “[percentage] of success based on [3 nearby shapes].”

I don’t see why it’s reasoning has to be a mystery. They are not building a religion. They are building a program. It can return whatever output they request.

Here is the link to the google’s research deepmind-mastering-go.pdf.


Interesting. To be honest, I was angry over Lee Sedol’s 4 losses, but as I did some researching, AlphaGo was actually connected to the internet while playing the games. Changed my emotions from angry to OMG

“I’d just pull the plug,” Redmond said of AlphaGo. “It’s dependent on its Internet connection, isn’t it? All we need is someone with scissors.” Indeed, AlphaGo does depend on an Internet connection, which ties into a vast network of machines inside Google data centers across the globe. But a pair of scissors wouldn’t be enough to cut the cord. Prior to the match, Google ran its own fiber optic cables into the Four Seasons to ensure the connection didn’t go down.


Lee Sedol LITERALLY beat the internet 1 match

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