Guess rank game

15 kyu?


such a wide range of guesses on this one :heart:

2d hasn’t been picked yet, so I’ll go for that one.


Actually, I regret chosing a game with fast-ish time settings, which probably increases the uncertainty/noise in our guesses in a way that I had not intended, doh! It’s a “Live” game not a “Blitz”, but it is faster than I realised, I will admit.

So 15 kyu is probably completely wrong. :sweat_smile:

I see a little extra uncertainty in this game as a good thing :slight_smile:

guesses are all over the place for this one :smiley:. the occurance of ko in the game makes me think this is a dan game. in my experience, players up to at least strong SDK tend to avoid ko, so ill say 4dan.

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In order of guessing:

@S_Alexander 7k
@bugcat 1d
@dangomango 6k (backed by @seminyoon11)
@RubyMineshaft 4k
@BHydden 3d
@Assai 15k
@Kaworu_Nagisa 4d (backed by @kickaha)

winner > @Vsotvep 2d

I was interested to see if we’d recognise a bot playing a dan, but I think my attempt was a little messed up by the fast time setting.


(you forgot @kickaha)


I would have voted 1d if it wasn’t already claimed by @bugcat ! Lucky me…


4d was already claimed :slight_smile:

There was never a rule that only the first person could claim a rank… we just tended towards that habit because nobody wants to share their glory, kickaha’s vote is still valid

I dunno, I reckon the precedent was set, and it’s fun because it adds and element of time pressure to answering: do you take more time, or risk missing out on your guess!

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so unless it’s a game like yours where there are a wide variety of guesses, you’re intentionally advocating for only ~5 people being allowed to play?

It is a fair point.

I might counter it with “the whole community can play. Only a handful will get their vote in time in each round”.

Note that it’s not like it was hard to get a vote in in time: these rounds take days…

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I believe in the past, first in still won, but all voters were acknowledged… can you provide a good reason not to at least acknowledge participants even if they didn’t win (especially if they tied for the correct answer and only lost on time)





This suddenly makes a lot of sense

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