Help for organising real tournament

Hello there!
I need help from experimented people,
With my go club we organise a small tournament for a 2 day go camp,
we have 23 people:
-10 beginner
-9 intermediate from 14 kyu to 2 kyu
-4 confirmed from 5d to 9d

And 4 hours to play
We thinking about making 3 groups like above and each player play everyone (or the most he can ) in his group, and the one with the most win becomes 1st, 2nd…

What do you think about it and which time setting will be the best ?

We think about playing with handicap

( For the second day we will do a pair go tournament :slight_smile: )

Which country are we talking about? Does it have some national go association that might be able to answer your questions and perhaps even support your camp by providing playing material, clocks, teachers, a tournament playbook, etc?

Our club ( not a very serious club we mainly enjoy the social aspect of go )is invited in a go congress in Korea, we will have all the materials needed, but we need to organise ourself our tournament

OK, I know how such tournament would usually be organised in Europe, but I don’t know how it’s usually organised in Korea, so I think I’m not qualified to answer your questions.

It’s okay please tell me !! There nothing at stake like prize, or things like this, it’s just a small tournament we are free to organise it the way we want, so I just want to know what people who have already organised tournament think about time setting and the type of tournament we choose,

Seems mostly ok, just too many games for each category (like 9 for the intermediate). So better play winners with winners so to get a winner. (Basic idea)

It still ok if you organize something more free way, if it’s not required to be too formal. Exactly as you propose. Maybe find a way to be sure that games between players who don’t know each other are privileged.
A standard time could be 45mn + 5x20s for each player. If you have too short time to fill, then maybe 30mn+3x20s

With only 4hrs dedicated to a tournament, then the best would be to announce it as a blitz tournament and put the time at 10mn+3x10s bioyomi

You may think on handicap minus one for a tournament


The 4 dan players can play a Round Robin. Since each person plays 3 rounds, each round should last at most 80 minutes. With Fischer time 15m+10s, a 240-move game lasts at most 70 minutes, and a 300-move game lasts at most 80 minutes, so it should be fine. If players finish early, they can relax between games, have a drink and/or review their games.

For the other groups, you may want slightly shorter times if you want people to play more games, as soon as a round is finished you can start the next one.


Thanks you for all the advice here :pray:
The tournament went well and everyone had fun !!
( Next time, maybe we’ll try to go blitz)


I’m curious how you managed it finally?

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3 groups,
The advanced group (5 people) and the beginner (10peoples) group could finish almost all theirs games ( the beginner plays with a 13*13 board) but in the intermediate group (10 player) we could only play 4 games each on average ( so roughly just under half the game possible) . A little short to have a realistic ranking of everyone.

We didn’t have clocks, but we we started using a clock app mid tournament and it was better to manage the times with 15min +3*30s ( gonna use it from the start for next tournament)

We proposed to play with handicap, but i think almost nobody did it in the end

I’m thinking about making smaller groups next time but i’m not sure , everyone liked it this way so…

The second day we did a pair go tournament with elimination (13*13 board) , we paired the better players of the advanced group with the lowest players of the beginner groups ( for ex ; 7dan-25kyu, 5dan-18 kyu…), mixing everyone was reallly fun !

You can check the vidéo here (from kbs ㅋㅋ)


I feel so happy that all seemed to have been great!
Thanks for sharing, the video was an enjoyable surprise.

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