Help in counting

Hi, I don’t understand why if I take one stone ( at J5) in this game : Tournament Game: Correspondence 19x19 RoundRobin 2021-03-13 19:00 (72519) R:1 (döskee vs Fatfinger) , the difference for the score is by 2 points.

can someone help me to understand ?

That game is still not finished, technically.

I assume you are talking about the score estimator. Don’t take that too seriously, it uses Chinese rules regardless of the game settings.


I just had a quick look at it, but it looks like a ko, moving from being a point for black to no point (because white wins the ko) so…
1- Initially black has B points, white has W points
2- white takes (move 272), now black has one less point of territory (B-1) and white has one more capture + one point of territory (W+1+1)
3- white finishes the ko, so it loses 1 point of territory ((W+1+1)-1=W+1)
Final difference: B+1 - W+1… so 2 point difference??

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Just take Chinese rules. You count all, free spaces and stones. Easy.

If you win the ko and connect you occupy one more point and your opponent one less.


Ok BUT, the game is with japanese rules…

I’m completely not sure about this, so don’t quote me on this…
I think score estimators count always with Chinese rules (it’s just easier to code). Only for final score the game settings are taken into account


There could be one point difference only between the two rules if black and white didn’t play exactly the same quantity of stones .
To think about it consider the Chinese rule as the starting point. Then consider that because both players play the same quantity of stones you can afford to count only the emptyness. This is why we put back on the board the prisoners in the Japanese rule.
With a small modification like in the aga or EU rule to take care of that both players play the same quantity, both rules give the same result. (Not talking on some very weird positions like eyes in seki…)

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