Hide last move indicator

It makes me wonder “what’s the difference between a “game” and a “puzzle”?”

For me, I would have said:

  • a puzzle is a position without context, that you need to “solve” by finding the best next move.

  • a game is a position with context, where you bring your knowledge of how it got there…

Of course, things like “many-vs-one” competitions show this isn’t really how the pros always do it: you see them arrive at the position, play the next move, and move on. Maybe the “context” is in fact just distraction?

Although stone.defender’s experience tells us it’s useful distraction :slight_smile:

This totally explains why I find my games so puzzling!
I play correspondence and can never remember the context from one move to the next…

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The back arrow is your friend …


its a cheat

Maybe this feature should have been called “Puzzle mode” :face_with_monocle:

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I prefer IRL mode

It will only be IRL mode when we make it so that the last move indicator shows when you look, then quickly disappears. Unless, of course, you look away from the board while your opponent plays, IRL…


Now that I am using this feature a lot i do miss an indicator of who is on turn. That would help and still retaining the board position information hidden (What was lastly at stake).

Or maybe i can get it easely somewhere? Clocks helps but not in reviews (games scribed live). Back arrow is putting away the advantage to hide the last move indicator…

there is slight change of shadow around player cards depending of who moves

I remember this was the case before but no more. Looking with attention i notice i get a sign (Like a sound sign) each time a player moves but it’s brief

I see whose turn it is right under the Pass/Resign buttons:

  • In portrait mode, under the board
  • In landscape mode, under the player cards
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Ah yes, great, thx!

(with Live time settings)
If your position awareness is good enough, you are inevitably able to know which stone is the last move. If you don’t know which stone is the last move, therefore your board awareness is not good enough.
I able to tell which stone is the last in most cases. So its not really puzzle mode.

But when someone plays 100 slow correspondence games at the same time, its probably puzzle mode even with last move indicator.

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See face to face. Last move indicator seems a bit ridiculous idea for this.

IRL opponents often ask which stone the last each time if stone placed when they looked in different direction. Most people don’t try to try to find last move themselves.


If you have people who play when you are away you are quite unlucky. Besides in that case I usually find where they played. If in a friendly game (no clock) i feel a bit lost, i prefer simply asking “did you play?” before anything more, and that’s usually enough to find the move.

Generally when my opponent comes back I show the stone I placed while he was away.


Yeah, true i do that sometimes too, especially if he went away for long time or if he looks a bit lost.

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Which confirms that having the indicator in place is “IRL mode” :slight_smile:

Yeah - I’ve often thought that this is the case actually.

It’s a question like “how does the context (the history of play) affect our thinking about the current position”.

That sounds like an interesting forum topic in itself really: I think knowing the sequence that led up to the position does assist in thinking about the position, or … it feels as if it does.

There’s an additional piece of context, which is “the thinking that was done in past moves”, which is additional to just knowing the moves, but can partly be inferred by knowing the moves.