Honor system idea? Could be great!

Interesting. You tried both site and prefer OGS in terms of manner? It’s possible it would not help. I honestly have no clue. The idea came to me because I felt like their’s some player I wanted to give them something after the game (other than chat, that I already use for that), because they were really enjoyable opponents.

You are. I’ll keep this brief and simple then:

I did no such thing.

I assume that this answers my questions a) and b)

Because they have an honor system and it failed.

Or I can delete the post all together, make it more specific in terms of what I’m looking for, so that it serve’s it’s purpose.

Nah, all is clear now. :slight_smile:

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Yes I’ve played (very approximately) 2500 games on OGS and 600 games on Tygem. My impression is that Tygem has more escapers and stallers, and that people greet each other/thank each other/talk to each other more often on OGS.


Again, I have to be really specific. I know you did not say " the community". But the way you talk, you assume what it would do for other’s. That for me, is talking for the community.
All you can do is say how it affects you.

As for league, we already stated it did not work in league, that was never the point right? The point was, since the communities are not the same at all, not the same spirit, players, goals, type of humans. I do not think any links are connectable between league and this game.

Oh I see! Nice input thanks!

I haven’t followed all this discussion but I wonder if it arrives at something like enumerating the number of friends people have.
If you enjoyed playing with a particular person then friend them and if they accept then I guess that means something.

So them people with a lot of “friends” might indicate something? Or it might just be that some people ask anyone and everyone to be friends and a lot of people just accept without much thought?

Idk but it seems similar in some ways.

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I like the idea. I think there there should be more interaction and people greeting each other and wishing each other a good game.

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Yes. My main wish is that. It feels so cold to not even say hi or good game or a little something. No one would do that in real life. It feels like playing uniquely for own interest like their’s no interaction in a GO game. A GO game is a 2 player game trying their best. I feel like the very least would be hi and good game.

Too much to read here, so I’m sorry if I repeat something already said.

Good behavior is its own reward, and personal honor is not something that can be crowd-sourced.


Go is also known as “hand talk” or similar and the game itself provides the conversation, questions and answers at every move.

It’s nice for people to say hi but it’s also important to appreciate good games with those who say nothing for whatever reason.

If someone enjoyed a game because their opponent said hi but didn’t enjoy a game because their opponent said nothing then the issue is with that person and not the opponent. It’s perfectly possible to enjoy games with no conversation, even IRL.


In chess it is customary to shake your opponent’s hand before and after playing?

I guess. I also know that an offer to shake hands can be dishonourable in chess!
I understand that there is a wheeze whereby if you think you have a losing endgame you offer a handshake and if your opponent shakes your hand then you can claim a draw.


I haven’t read through all the comments, but my suggestion is to lessen the concept a little bit. Instead of honor badge, just make it good points.
The point will be automatically increased after each game, unless the opponent chose the otherwise. So the opponent will have to un-ticked a box to not give the point.
Then on the profile, you can see the percentage of games played and point received.
We assume players are good.



Although the honour badge feature may never be implemented, I award you one for perseverance and originality of your feature request.


For sure it’s possible to enjoy a game with no talking. 100%. It’s a matter of preference.

I think IRL, you can talk with your non-verbal too which you can’t online. I would be almost more comfortable with no talking IRL because of that, I see the person.
Though personally, I don’t see how I could arrive at a GO club, sit in front of someone and not say hi or ask if that person wants to play me.

Their’s a difference between preferring something and not enjoying if it’s not present. In the end, it’s a matter of personality, culture, etc.

But for sure, the point is to enjoy all game’s, hi or no hi.

Hahah thank you. That made my morning waking up Attorrante :slight_smile:


It’s a testament to OGS moderation that you think there aren’t toxic players on OGS .

In fact, there are “more than we can comfortably keep under control”. OGS isn’t a “nice little community where only the most intellectual people meet, and those people are all nice”.

Actually, it’s a massive online website, and it attracts all sorts.

We already have to deal with people who think it’s a great idea to spam everyone with requests to join their group or tournament. Regrettably, an honour system would be just another feature that would generate this kind of nonsense … without any real benefits to make it worth it.


Yea that make sens. It sounded good in my brain on paper, mainly came from the sentiment I had to want to give a little “reward” to those players that make playing online awsome. I felt like it could encourage that. But from reading some comments, it doesn’t feel like it would work. I guess i’ll keep on using the chat for that purpose, work’s fine so far!