Honor system idea? Could be great!

Hi y’all!

I’m a new Go player ( 3-4 weeks now), I’ve been playing mainly online. I had an idea that popped into my mind, maybe some one else already thought about it

At the moment, we can only report bad behaviour, but what if we could honor people at the end of a game! Either because they played a good game ( strategic), had good behavior, or friendly, etc.

I feel like it would encourage people even more to have great interactions and behavior online.

What do you all think?

By the way, I am a new, but I play a LOT, so if you want to add me, I’m GlutenSama on OGS. 19kyu.


I think some other sites do do that. Tygem has some kind of manners badge, or another boardgame site has some karma score.

It’s a reasonable idea. I don’t have strong opinions on it either way personally.


If you want to give an Honour Badge to your opponent, why not use the game chat for it?
There is place for a “great game”, “thanks for the game”, “really enjoyed playing with you” and/or a more extensive motivation of why you think your opponent is worthy of your Honour Badge.
There you can also use emoticons, such as :kiss:, :+1:, :pray:, etc.

I do realise that this a bit of a laborious form of giving a Honour Badge, but wouldn’t that make it so much more valuable for the recipient of the Honour Badge?


It would be possible to have something similar to the badges on the forum. That you earn a badge if you greet your opponent at the beginning of the game and another one if you thank your opponent after the game.

The only bad behaviors that should be penalized is (a) if you continue to play when all sensible end game moves have already been done and thus delay the scoring hoping that your opponent will make some huge mistake answering stupid moves, and (b) if you force the game to go to autoscore before endgame by passing three times.

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Or encourage people to beg or flame their opponent if they do not “honor” them.
E.g. the League of Legends honor system…


I think that is a good idea, to be honest this is what I already do. Sometime at the end of a game i told player I wish i could give them an honor badge. It could be nice if player who show great behavior most of the time could have a little “badge” show up next to their name, I feel like it would encourage players even more.

The honor system could be anonymous, you don’t see if people honor you or not. Unless they tell you they did.


That was also true in LoL and there were 9 other players there and you could sometimes deduce who honoured you and who didn’t. In Go there is only one other player. Makes things more obvious.

So, what’s the point then? :thinking:

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On my own scale, honor level should be the usual normal level. I am afraid that a honor system will make it anormal, more rare as it is.

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Lol, I’m not clear enough I guess. The idea is you end up receiving a badge next to your name or in your account, if you get sufficient honor from people at the end of games (or it could be automatic like some one said, if you do greetings and good game and don’t do reportable behavior). It would be about the result on your account that you show great behavior, but you don’t know who is giving the honor or not.

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The honor system would make people less honorable?

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I simply think there is no point when most behave with honor. Unless there is some kind of super honor which I have hard time to figure in our OGS world.

Honor is ok if you save a child from a danger but on OGS?

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I see. So, what’s the positive in that? :thinking:

At the end of the day, practically, this will only result in creating a “good players” club and a “non-badged players” which people might actually start avoiding during matchmaking.

Just what Go servers need, another reason to skip the queue/game and reduce the active pool of available players.


The point would have been to encourage the creation of a nicer online GO community. For sure the online aspect make’s it easier for people to be an evil version of themselves. I feel like some people would think twice if they had a little push in the back. Also, I don’t think it would create two communities, most people would easily get the badge, it’s that 5-10% online rude that maybe would not. But the point wouldn’t be to make it hard for them to get it. They just have to not act like what is already not considered acceptable behavior.

Normally the point would be to rally that last bit of resistant people to being nice online in a game of GO. If half of these people reflect on their action and we get 95% good community instead of 90%, that’s a big win in my book.

Anything is possible, if the variable of making queu longer is possible, which I doubt, then they just check the stats and make it in a way it does not do that. If something can bring something good in life, I tend to want to look at the variables to make it work great, and not to stop at the first negative hypothesis without just finding a solution for it. Most often than not, their’s solution.

Depends on your philosophy of life, I like to try to always make things better, even if by a small margin.

1 solution, make it invisible to others. Only you know if you are honorable or not. Not everyone needs outside gratification. That required 30 second of thinking.

When their’s a will, theirs a way.

It’s also important to look at things not through our own lens. The question is not if you personally would care or not about it, the question is, is their players out there it would affect positively.

I’m pretty sure the answer is yes, but stats on the matter if they tried would hold more truth than mere speculation

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If it is invisible to everyone but the user themselves, then why would anyone care what’s their honor score?

If it is going to be easy to get, then it wouldn’t have much value either.
Also, people could “act nice” for a bit, get the badge and then use it as a leverage against moderation when then go off the rails, claiming that they an otherwise upstanding member of the community.

If I had a 5 euro bill for every “I was a honor 5 level player and I got unfairly perma-banned - RITO pls” thread, back in the LoL fora, I’d be retired now on some exotic island :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s what I am doing. I’ve never even gotten a warning in any online game in my life.

All those issues are what I’ve seen happen to other honor systems and by other players.

Yeah, but other people would have to put in hours of dev work to make that system and months would need to go by to test and gather those stats. It is not a zero effort endeavor, so learning from other honor systems is a good idea. You do not have to test everything, if someone else has done similar work.

That required 30 second of thinking.

If your system was online, you would have lost honor points for that snarky remark. :wink:

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I don’t see how comparing a league of legends toxic community to a GO playing community make’s any sens. It’s just not the same player base at all. But it seems like it affected you to the point the words “honor system” will be linked to that in your mind for ever. That’s fine. And as for the value, that’s still in your own perception. You feel like you would not care, so you assume every one would not. I think this part of the conversation is good to end here. It’s easy to get : aka be a nice human being playing GO. it’s also easy not to get… for those who are not… nice human being playing GO. You also seem to be very attached to external perceptions of rewards, nothing I can do about that while discussing with you. You keep coming back to “if others don’t see it than why”. Just the fact you ask this question, already puts you another planet that make’s it hard to communicate. I know in this world of instagram and all, for a lot of people everything needs to be seen through the eyes of others to have value. But internal gratification/wellness also exist for some people.

aaah, that sublime implication. How quaint.
More lost honor points… :slight_smile:

If we’ve have entered the valley of “that’s just like your opinion, dude” evasions, then you have nothing.

I specifically said that I am not doing that, but whatever rocks your boat.

It’s easy to get : aka be a nice human being playing GO

Also easy to get:
a) Does your proposal improve that or not?
b) Does your proposal merit the dozens of dev work-hours that need to be poured into it or not?

Simple questions.
If you think that writing a lot will make me forget what I asked about, think twice.

You also seem to be very attached to external perceptions of rewards

You proposed an honor system, the definition of the idea of positive reinforcement, and I am “very attached to external perceptions of rewards”? ooook.

You keep coming back to “if others don’t see it than why”. Just the fact you ask this question

I didn’t ask that question. In fact that question is meaningless and I have no idea what you are talking about. Definitely not something I inquired about.

But internal gratification/wellness also exist for some people.

Then why do you need an external honor system to get “internal gratification/wellness”? :thinking:

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Ouuuf… Brother… You can’t say you don’t mean something but write words that mean exactly that.

You can’t say
I would not care about an honor system, because it would not help." Then say " I am not doing that". That being : the honor system would not help other people, that are not you.

Or if im missreading, are you saying the opposite? You do think it would help you?
Which I don’t think you are implying, because then if it would help you, then can’t it not help others as well?

You keep saying : " it would not have much value" I mean surely you are basing that off something.

“If we’ve have entered the valley of “that’s just like your opinion, dude” evasions, then you have nothing.”

I am not saying personnal opinion has no value, I am saying you can’t extrapolate your own feeling on this to every one.

Uselly one would base their assumption on how they personally feel about something. Or else, can you explain to me what you are basing the “not much value” on , if it’s not from you? My point is, SOME people, would get benefit from it, MAYBE.
Yo do realise it’s not up to me, or you, to decide if something will have value. My point is to get a feel of THE COMMUNITY, then we can see if it has value based off that. That’s the only way to knows if something has value for the community or not.

Basically, if it’s still unclear, you should use more " I statement". I would not, I do not, I feel this. You can’t talk for the community : " The community would not" etc. Speaking for the community in your way of talking already starts any conversation wrong.

Unless it’s a really clear matter, like don’t insult people in chat. Then sure, you can speak for the community.

As for me, I don’t even know myself if it’s a good idea or not. I proposed this in chat at the end of multiple games though, and a lot of people were into it.

Then is it worth dev time? Maybe, maybe not, I was not there at all with this post. I wanted to explore the idea without that aspect in mind, simply discuss the potentials benefits. Once that discussion is done, maybe we don’t even want it as a community. Then we don’t even need to know the dev time, because the community does think it would work.

And if a big part of the community would like it, THEN we can look into the dev time, sure. Their’s no way to know if something is worth dev time or not before we even know how much the community think it would be great or not. That is how you can judge if something is worth it or not. And even than, even if the community would want it, it still does not mean it is worth the dev time. The would require another discussion, with the devs opinion on it.

“aaah, that sublime implication. How quaint.”

I mean… Again, you can’t just keep saying stuff and then say it’s an implication… You do keep coming back to league of legends… I do not see how i’m implying that you keep coming back to it… if that is what you are typing… All i’m saying is that I do not see the link between league and GO community. I do not think they are the same kind of player base and intention in the game.

As for external gratification. I’m at this point were I am wondering if you are doing it on purpose and trolling me, but i’ll give you the benefit of the doubt.
" “If it is invisible to everyone but the user themselves, then why would anyone care what’s their honor score?”"
I said " in this age of instagram and needing approbation from others". So “external gratification” only meant, I do not need others to know if I am honorable or not, it can be sufficient for people to know it themselves. Like of course I was not talking about being Buddha and not needing anything in life, otherwise I would not be playing GO would I? Also… Maybe it could be visible, the only reason i proposed hidden honor, is if it would cause issues. All the options are on the table.

I feel like most of the time I try to answer your comment, you try to diverge elsewhere in some kind of imaginary loophole. Can we not try to find loopholes and just talk? You knew I was talking about some people not needing gratification from others… You purposely went elsewhere with that… Let’s not do that…

I tried to make it more specific to each things you mention, since if I do not mention each things specifically, it seems like were going in circle. I would hope we can get out of this loop.

I think we are mainly just not speaking the same language. I might have triggered you because I might have been accidentely triggered by non nuanced statements. What would be a good idea, is to delete all the arguing, and speak in private, so that the post serves it’s initial purpose. Or I can delete the post all together, make it more specific in terms of what I’m looking for, so that it serve’s it’s purpose.

On Tygem you can give manner badges. But I don’t think people behave better there. Perhaps the opposite.