How can I find my playing history with a competitor whose ID has been deleted?

How can I find my playing history with a competitor whose ID has been deleted? I’ve tried looking it up in my history. But didn’t find any information at all.
which currently has the nature of applying again under the same name But no record of the play remains. oppenent ID simply move

As far as I know it should still be there - the competitor’s ID is replaced by an ID like deleted-xxx

Here’s one in my game history:


I think they might be asking how to search for it. If you type their old username into the search box will it filter out the correct games? Or will it show no result?

I believe you would need to enter the new username (deleted-...) into the field, but the filter still works on deleted accounts.

I was going to offer that in my reply, except I think I found (trying it out) that you need to know the numbers before you can put the correct “deleted” in the filter?

Am I mistaken?

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Yeah it’s a little broken. I made sure I was on page 1 before searching

Does that mean that if you’re on the page with the username, it works the way we’d like? :face_with_monocle:

Or do we have to be on “page 1” specifically?

Need to be on page N < num pages. In this case there is only one game with this player, so N=1.

Hmm I can’t make it work on my Game History for any N :slight_smile: