How can I get an oauth2 token?

I’m trying to get oauth2 token, however, I always get {"error": "invalid_client".} response. Am I missing anything here?

Here is my request:

curl -X POST -d 'grant_type=password&username={username}&password={password}&client_id={client_id_on_application_page}&client_secret={client_secret_on_application_page}'

I can’t help directly, but check these out:

I was able to get a token recently by reading old posts on the forum and on the github. It worked for me. Please someone tell me if I am doing something wrong.

  1. get a client id/secret here:
  1. use the password set here:

I see that one of my questions was linked as an answer here, so I figured that I would link to the code I wrote that works for your reference

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