How do you get streaming announcement banners?

Just curious as I’ve been streaming go again.

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I think that this can be arranged via the moderators, or maybe anoek?

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How come Yoonyoung's twitch stream get a plug on OGS but not Michael Redmond's stream? - #2 by GreenAsJade.

You can infer from this comment that you need to talk to a mod.

Hi! Yeah, i can set you you up!

Theres few rules / guidelines about announcements, could you confirm you’re ok with these?

There are 4 parameters you need to set: Type, Duration, Text and Link.

For Type, put “streaming” if you’re streaming, “event” if you want to announce an event.
For Duration, how long you want to have the banner to be up. Best to keep the duration shorter than the stream/event so that people wont click a dead link after your stream is already over. Max time is 6 hours, but if you want to make it last longer, contact anoek.
In Text and Link put the text and the link that you want to announce.
When everything is filled, double-check and click on the blue “create announcement” button. When you click on it the announcement will be published, there won’t be any pop-up.

General guidelines:

  • Be reasonable with the duration: don’t make the announcement last for too long and never make it last more than the event/stream is going to take.
  • Keep the text short and descriptive, for example when streaming you can use words like “streaming” or “on twitch” in the title so people can expect a link outside OGS. Also please add your name so that people know who is it for.
  • Keep it safe for work and kids, and don’t make banners for stuff that doesnt relate to go in any way.
  • Always double check you have everything correct before clicking the blue ‘create’ button. There wont be any confirmation button when clicking it so if you make a typo, that typo will immidietly appear to everyone on ogs.

(btw i unlisted this topic so it wont show up in the forum list)

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I confirm I’m ok with all of those guidelines.

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Awesome ^^

You should see the announcement center under “tools” on top bar, you might need to refresh first.

I see it, thank you!

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