How IQ does or doesn't correlate to Go skill

I’ve performed a little research on the topic to help you show that doing further research is definitely worth your time. I found someone on reddit who shares your interest in this topic.

  1. Milton N. Bradley is a big believer that children should play Go and that it helps teach them crucial skills that will help them be more successful in life. Here are several resources so you can explore his work:
 Author Page
    Go For Kids by M. Bradley
    Milt’s Go Page
         ○ The Legend Of The Mysterious Stranger
         ○ Go In Japanese Education
         ○ Why Every Child Should Learn Go
         ○ Go And The Gifted Child
         ○ There Is No Satisfactory Alternative To Go
         ○ The South Huntington After School Go Program
         ○ Teaching The New “R” of Reasoning

  2. All About Influence in Go/Weiqi/Baduk - Kids and Go (articles about Go education for kids)

  3. Baduk (the Game of GO) Improved Cognitive Function and Brain Activity in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (pdf, [web](

  4. Spreading Go Among Europeon Youth, Report of 1st Workshop (192 pages)

  5. Play Go and Grow! Why Every School and Library Should Teach Children Go by Roy Laird, Ph.D.

  6. 10 Great Habits for Children Playing Weiqi

  7. Weiqi Wonders: Conversations About the Game of Go in China (documentary, government article)

  8. Benefits of Weiqi | Intrinsic Value of Weiqi

  9. School Teachers and other Youth Go Organizers information (helpful organizing kids, lots of links)

  10. Comics aimed at getting kids interested in Go (might be helpful to you)

  11. Hikaru No Go: Manga/Anime targeted at child audiences to develop interest in Go (wiki, series)

I did not bother to list the trove of online conversations, simpler blog posts, reddit and forum discussions and Go and how it affects children positively, basic awareness raising articles about go and kids, parents gushing about how it has made a difference in their own children’s lives, Go schools talking about how successful it is and how they work, Sensei’s Library articles related to individual’s experiences attending Go schools from childhood, or anything of this nature.

There is an entire world out there just waiting to help you answer your questions and search for and prove the truth you so passionately hold in your heart. If this is more than a passing fancy to you, if this question a hole in your mind, then I encourage you to just start looking and connecting with other like minded people. There are resources galore out there, models that work, people who can help you find ways to develop children’s interest naturally or how to better incentivize them to enter this hobby. You are not alone :hugs::nerd_face::wink:

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