How much does the size of the board influence whether a move is considered tenuki?

It was about purpose interpretation of tenuki

When kyu humans tenuki, they often truly ignore structure of stones in other corners. So stone on other side of board may has nothing to do with previous move of opponent.
Go god always takes in account every single stone on the board when making next move, so unable to tenuki.
Random generator considers nothing. So even if next move is attach to stone of opponent, random move still wasn’t done in order to answer move of opponent. So its always tenuki.

That cannot be the case. Not every move by a random move generator is a tenuki!

Proof: 1. A flat-random number generator can be used to generate a next move. 2. Pick a move that has a known perfect response that must be played, considering the entire board position (most games have such moves, so it is possible to pick this move in finite time). 3. Generate the next move. 4. Since the generator is flat-random, the known perfect response move has a nonzero probability of being generated. This means that it is possible that the randomly-generated move is NOT a tenuki, with nonzero probability. QED.