How should I have responded to White's move 56?

I spent an hour or two last night trying to figure out how I should have responded to White’s move 56, and I still feel quite uncertain. During the game I consider playing move 57 above White’s stone, but I was afraid that might give White too much territory without adequate compensation to me. I still think playing on the said was better, but I don’t know.

Of course this is not a rare situation: You have a tall wall and your opponent boldly sneaks in close to it to diminish your influence.

I would appreciate your ideas on how I should have replied to White’s move 56. General comments on this type of situation would also be appreciated.

Dan Amodeo

A stronger player will give you a better answer but off the top of my head:

  • White’s move was bad. Exactly what I would hope him to play if I was black. Target practice! Your move 57 looks like a good response

  • Maybe poke F12 at move 62? It makes hime heavier and your 2 space jump harder to cut

  • But overall I think you got a pretty good result as is! White is totally enclosed and you have a new wall! You can use it to invade the bottom. I think the main mistake was to respond passively at 83 and 85, and trying to kill at all cost

Thanks. Those are a lot of good ideas that help me understand the position better. I suspected 56 was a bad move, but I have often seen one space jumps towards the center from a perilous looking position on the edge work out well, so I was trying to keep White from getting too far into the center without giving White too much territory.

F12 in response looks interesting, but I think White might be happy to push to J13.

I guess 83 and 85 were a waste, but probably so were 77 and 79.

Examining the position after reading your comments, I now think I should have played 77 at D9.

77 looks dangerous if unanswered. Not good enough to read out 79 but looks less severe indeed. I think really the key was to fix your cutting points which you did with K11 and answer correctly the cut at C9 which should not work for white

I agree with Anticycle

I would prefer looser pincer, because white can counterpincer, sac C13 stone and be relatively happy. General idea is good.

Do you mean the cut at C10 with move 70? I spent a lot of time last night trying to figure out how I should have answered that, but I still don’t know. Why do you say the cut should not have worked for White? Granted my move 71 didn’t help me and maybe helped White, but where do you think I should have played move 71?

you did well. Playing near your wall was surely a bad idea from your opponent.

Besides this you may have considered to enclose the other w group at the top, This group is near dying and pretty big. at least bigger as this w 56

Thanks, violaine.

I was thinking about the white group at the top when I played moves 49-55. I also wanted to extend to C10 from my wall but didn’t get around to it in time. After White’s move 56, I wanted to contain White. I think Kreur is telling me I probably shouldn’t have come in so close on move 57. Maybe D10 or E12 instead of C11 would have been a good compromise between containing White and not letting him/her get too much territory.

I agree with others that you did well, and pushing white against your wall is the way to go.

I would have played move 59 at D12. If white D13, then black F12. white F13, black G12. It looks aggressive, but I don’t see any way for white to escape.

Wow, that’s very interesting, SanDiego. I never would have thought of that.

If White responded to 59 at D12 by playing 60 at E12, or even at F13 or G13, what would you do as Black?

Simply cutting at D13 seems good enough for black, connecting the stones and leaving white with floating stones.
White E12 could also be answered with black E11, still leaving the threat at D13.

Thanks again, SanDiego. That makes a lot of sense to me.

Thanks also to Anticycle, Kreur, and violaine. I need to take the time to play around a little more with the suggestions all four of you all have given. That should help me deal with situations like this.