How to always allow and always demand to allow people to download game SGF files at any time?

How to ALWAYS ALLOW and ALWAYS DEMAND TO ALLOW people to download game SGF files at any time?

I do not want to make any games where this is not possible (like some games I am playing right now).

And I never want to start a game where this will not be allowed.

What should I do? Or what should I look for?

“Analysis”. You want games with analysis enabled.

(No need to shout).


That was not shouting. And uppercase is also used for emphasis, and this was the case. I prefer it instead of formatting options.

So, analysis enabled will allow SGF download all the time. Okey. Thank you for the information.

I tried to search a thread with what I wanted, but I did not find it. If this thread is a FAQ question, it can be found for the next person who (as me) tries to search for it next time.

Personally, I think the 2 things should NEVER affect each other. Game analysis and SGF download are ideas clearly different. I do not like some things that I see written or involve analysis… but I will have to see what they will be, since I will be using “SGF download on” from now.

(and this “NEVER” above, again, was not shouting)

Thank you

It is a tricky thing to differentiate emphasis from shouting, online :slight_smile:

My experience (I mean “how I experience it”) is that MORE THAN TWO WORDS capitalised in a row read like shouting :woman_shrugging:

I guess you can appreciate that SGF download and Analysis are linked here because typically people download SGF to analyse the game.

Unless I’m mistaken, you can always download a game after it finishes, so what other purpose could there be, during the game, to download the SGF? :face_with_monocle:


I like to experiment playing, and sometimes simply to see the game in a program I have, which looks better, instead of seeing it in OGS. OGS does not save theme! I always have to change settings. EVERYWHERE! (this is shouting)

I preferred that my settings were remembered. But much better than that is to download the SGF of any game, BEFORE (emphasis) it finishes, to see the game, see and think about the move my opponent just did, before I decide which one I will make.

Testing a few variations before playing any more is much simpler than I think “analysis” is, and usually mean. This is a considerable difference from what you seem to think in your last paragraph question.

If download is disabled, I will simply mimic the board I want to play with automatically, and generate an SGF for that, every time. In direct words, I think that disabling it is stupid and useless, but annoying.

About shouting and emphasis with upper case words, I will usually find some reason, in the context and ideas of whoever writes something, to know she/he is shouting. Just a few words, among several, will be rarely a shout with offending intention. And if this bad aspect is ignored, I see no problem in the resulting discussion. Unless worse things happen, but they will be separated and have their own consequences. I think the total summing of everything has no trouble.

I did not clearly offend you or anyone. The thought line I used is not nervous — I think someone hardly will see this in the words I used, and commonly use, together with the punctuation in them.

analysis is inclusive of that


Inclusive? I think analysis is (and usually is) much much more than that. Differentiating both things is something I would prefer.

Further, testing a few variations is something which I will ALWAYS do with analysis disabled, simply because I need to confirm the moves I make.

the point of playing with analysis disabled is to do that in one’s mind


This will never be guaranteed. I think it is a silly setting, which just annoys for simple things.

Seeing the stone I will possibly play is doing something which is not in my mind??

Using IA to check variations is easy…

“Seeing the stone” you “will possibly play” ​ is at least closer to fine.

However, I got the impression that your ​ testing a few variations ​ was by
setting up the game-position on a different board and then changing it
to something which is not just ​ ​ ​ that position plus one of your stones ​ .

Actually, that is not true.

OGS does save all your settings and preferences (on a per device basis).

If you are not experiencing this, you may be blocking cookies or some other choice at you end preventing it from working.

If you can share more details we can help with that.