How to cancel a challenge?

Ever since the update, I have had no clue how to view my challenges to others and cancel them. Others can see and accept the challenges that I send them, but once they are sent, I cannot see them. They used to appear in the ‘Home’ section, but no longer.

For me it shows up as a red button on the “play” tab, in the list of available games.

If you challenged a specific player does not appear there.

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When I sent a challenge out, a box appeared saying waiting for opponent. This was not a open challenge but a direct one. The box wouldn’t go away or let me do anything unless I hit cancel which cancelled my challenge that I had sent.

It is as Jurupari said. The challenge was to a specific player.
It was not as HowToPlay said; when I send a challenge, a box which says ‘Challenge sent!’ appears, and I press okay. I then have no evidence of the existence of my challenge until it is accepted.

HowToPlay, how do you send challenges? Maybe you do it differently than me? I usually click the player’s name then the little challenge button. Also, my challenges were for correspondence games, which might make a difference.

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Ah mine was for a live game maybe that was the difference, A box had appeared giving me the ability to cancel the game before I could do anything else. try checking the person you challenge profile. Maybe it will be there?

I just checked their profile and didn’t see the challenge. I wonder why challenges were removed from the ‘Home’ tab in the first place. I didn’t see anything about it in the changelog.

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I would really appreciate “challenges sent” section below active games in home tab.


Yay it has just returned!
Thank you! Lots of Love!