How to effectively review/analyze a game?

Hi! I was just curious on how to review your own game. Mostly, how you can identify your mistakes, how you can learn from your mistakes, and also your opponent’s, how to find better sequences, etc. I make a lot of mistakes in games, and I think if I could learn how to effectively review, I could learn a lot. Thank you so much!


You press the Review button at the side:

(The one that says Review this Game)

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in adition of what kingkaio said, also you can press the download SGF option and save the game to use it on another plataform or program

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You’re best bet is to have someone else who is a stronger player, reveiw a few games for you. Why? because when they do, they will be able to pin point your mistakes in a game, and explain to you why they are bad, and the proper thinking/ logic that should be applied to a situation on the board.

Why is this important?

Well, that way, you can see the points they are making, learn to understand what to look for, and indeed what you should be thinking about when looking over a game you have played.

Another great thing to do, is watch people like Dywrin and Nick Sibiky on youtube. They will help you understand the game itself better, so when you understand the game better you will be able to self identify where you went wrong in your own games, what worked, what didn’t and what could have been a more opimal outcome.

When it comes to variations there are only 2 ways i can think of that will realistically improve this skill. 1) Play more games, get better at the game. 2) Do a lot of life and death/ Tsumego problems. This will help reading ability and instinct, and help you to memorise different sequences of moves, different tesuji and so on. Really, the best way forward is by doing both. You can learn a lot from go problems, but that knowladge is useless if you dont know how to apply it.

So… to summarise.

-Watch youtube/ stronger players, play games and explain their moves.

-have strongert palyers do reveiws for you, so you can learn from them

-Play more games, and do more life and death/ tsumego problems.

I hope this helps my dude.


I’d say, note how you expect a key (as you evaluate it when you play it) move to unfold.
Check after the game how your opponent responded to that move and how close it was to your plan.
Check after 5, 10, 20 moves if you kept up with that key move. Maybe it was really important, maybe it evolved into a group that had to die.

That’s how I would review my actions on something in general, I guess it applies to Go. :woman_shrugging:t2:


When I was reviewing my own games, I would look for when things went bad, and try to review and fix that problem so that it didn’t happen again. Say a group got killed:

  1. I then went back and found otu when the group got cut off from the rest of the board and tried to find out how to make it connect out (usually about 20 moves before it died)

  2. Then I went back further and found out the last point when the dead group coudl ahve either lived locally or connected out, usually about 5-10 moves even earlier than in point #1.

  3. Finally I would go back to the opening to find when the group go weak and when I could ahve given it a nice extension or influence-making move.

So what ended up happening, was that any group that got attacked and made my opponent gain profit, was caused by an opening mistake. Any group that died, was caused by an opening mistake. Any group that I got to attack for profit, was due to an opening mistake by my opponent. Eventually I realized that having a strong opening means you start the midgame strong.

Every other minor point, like “which obscure joseki variation to choose”, or “how to squeeze a few mor epoints in the endgame” became the only real issues as I approached 1D. This made it easier to improve on those details, as I didn’t have to worry about major screw ups.


Thats the best advice i think i have ever read on thsi topic. I have certainly learned something from this. I shall have to remember to apply that same logic to my own reviews, thank you!