How to increase rank?

Hi. I just want to know how do I increase my rank. How many matches do I need to play (or win)?

Maybe this has been asked but I was not able to find it.


At the beginning, this is a bit tricky.

In most places, the minimum rank that OGS shows is 25k.

It means “25k or lower”.

This is what your ranking currently looks like:

Your “rating” is the equivalent of 31k (we can see that in Game History and on the graph).

In order to make it say “24k” you need to win enough games to get that blue line up to the 24k level.

This might be one or two games if you beat someone stronger than you, or it might be 10 or more games if you are defeating opponents who are weaker than you: the more rank the opponent you defeat has, the more rank that victory gives you.


There is also this proverb:


purchase your first 50 winning games

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I think you’ve confused “How can I improve my game” with “how can I increase rank”. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

There is no way that losing your first 50 games is going to increase your rank… (at least, not until you use that experience to win the next 50)


I guess it depends if you want the increase to be permanent or temporary!


Thanks! Then I assume the rank is an average between win/lose games, where the wins over stronger players (and the loses over weaker platers) have more weight. So if I keep losing, my rank will be even lower…


What is behind the 50 losses (or 100 maybe?) is that go is difficult especially when you start. There are no honest shortcuts so you ll have to make your own way, like we all did, until the cloud obscuring the board start to disappear. And there are almost no big help this is something you have to build yourself, with your own experience of the game.

Now be sure that the reward is great. Just be patient.

I am just asking about how to get a higher rank: how many victories? How exactly do I pass from 25k to 24k?

I know is hard. That is not what I want to know…

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OGS uses a rating system is not based on number of victories to rank up. Some servers may do that, but not OGS.

Instead, OGS’ rating system updates your rating by some calculated amount with every game you play. This amount is based on how (un)expected the game result is for the system, based on your metrics and your opponent’s metrics.
And at some point your rating just happens to pass the threshold to a range that corresponds to a different rank.

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I asked an IA. The answer is that I have 55% of victories or at least five victories against stronger players, in order to increase my rank. Is that correct?

I have no idea where the AI got that answer from. To me it seems it can’t possibly know the answer to your question (it lacks the required information), so I think it just made it up.


That is also my guess…

However it seems I cant predict what to do (except win…) or when will change my rank…

You can if you really want: Play Go at! | OGS


Your rating will go up when you win and it will go down when you lose. But the amount for each game will vary on your current rating and the current rating of your opponent (and some other hidden parameters that the Glicko2 rating system uses).
Overall, the system collects evidence from your game results to detect if you seem to be underrated or overrated, and adjusts your rating accordingly. In effect it continually tries to improve its estimate of your level in the light of new evidence.

The rating system is deterministic, but the computations are complicated. So in practice, we can’t say “win x games against stronger players to reach 24k”.

You can even increase your rank by winning against weaker players. It will just take more games, because your rating increment per game will be smaller.


Exactly. You can’t.

I take it to simply mean that the best way for beginners to study is to play a bunch of games (say 50 or 100), and the part about them being losses is tongue in cheek

This is not correct.

This is correct.

So is this.

Your rank is based on your rating (which you can see on your Profile page, that’s what the screenshot I shared shows).

Your rating is a number. The number goes up when you win and down when you lose. That’s the blue line in the screenshot I shared.

The number goes up more if you defeat a stronger opponent. It also goes down more if you lose to a weaker opponent.

The rating number is on the left of the graph I showed you. The corresponding rank is on the right.

You can see on that graph that the rating does not go below 25k, but your blue line is well below 25k, so you need some wins to lift it back up.

The most effective way to get it to go up is to play people your own rank (and beat them). If you play stronger people it will go up better when you win BUT you will lose more often.

If you play weaker people than yourself, you will win a lot (and maybe feel good) BUT your rating number won’t go up much each time.


Perhaps someone has the current ogs glicko theasholds for each rank and can post them? Then you can show them how to find their glicko rank and how to see how much the rating changed for each win/loss.

This would give an idea of how many wins it takes to rank up.

This gets you close. The only thing missing is that it goes from glicko → rank, but not the other way.

Tools → Ratings calculator