How to play conditional moves?

:open_mouth: first time I hear of this … BUT IIRC when I did so, I did it immediately, so as not to waste my opponent’s time.

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I think it’s more honourable to resign when you know you’ve made a game losing move than to hope your opponent misses it. To me it isn’t that different to playing obvious atari threats hoping they accidentally miss one and you can “win”

Possibly in a tournament game one wouldn’t resign, but otherwise I think it’s more honourable.

Consider this: There is a tsumego on board. What is the status of that group? Seems alive so white tenuki. But then they found the killing sequence. And it is not so obvious. It goes on for N moves. Should white make black think about the tsumego themselves or should white resign first and just tell the answer?
I don’t think a conditional resign would be dishonorable there. I think it would be the opposite. If black finds the tsumego trivially easy then the game can end immediately without wasting any time (because black solves it in an eyeblink). But if black has to really think about it then it is a good learning experience. If black gets the tsumego wrong then both players’ mistakes cancel each other out and game continues.


I personally do not have a comment about whether committing a resign during opponent’s turn should be allowed, it’s much less an issue if the conditional move planner accommodates pass and resign as a “move”. But again, it’s more natural to me to submit the conditional move planner at the submitter’s turn along with the next move.

This video is a dead link. Where are instructions for conditional move planner, please? Does OGS have a Help feature?

I found help, it is hidden at The game view and playing games · online-go/ Wiki · GitHub . OGS needs a real and complete Help as part of its main program, in my opinion.

It is not hidden. There is a direct link in the main menu called “Documentation and FAQ”

Please stop necroing threads from several years ago. This is a living project and answers from many years ago may no longer be relevant.

Incorrect old postings should be deleted, since they do not contain any indication that they are incorrect or misleading. Obviously, this is just my opinion, but there should be such pruning done on any forum on the Web.

By who?
Cleaning a forum is respectable but that can’t be done lightly. Already i would better transfer to archives as delete.

I would not support pruning or deleting old posts. History matters and too much of the history of the internet (and IRL) simply disappears.