Both black and white’s chains of stones are disconnected or “cut” at the blue cross. The go board has no diagonal lines to connect those black stones or white stones.
I think what hasn’t been explained is that Black can never atari at 1-1 or similar, provided White denies Black liberty increase in the lower right.
Ah, sorry it is confusing for me. And I don’t know what Atari means.
Furthermore, if the diagonals are not connections, the white has no territory right?
Could you link some quality material like videos or books that helps me to understand the scoring rules in details
Before being able to apply any scoring rules, one first has to know about “life and death” of stones.
“Life” is property of stones that is not part of the rules, but rather emergent from the rules.
In short, to be able to score the players need to have a good understanding of which stones on the board are “dead” and “alive”. We say that stones are dead when they can be captured in the future, and there is no way to stop it.
To experienced players, it is easy to see that the black stones on the bottom of your board are dead, so they will pass here and have no issues scoring the game.
But to newer players, it is far from obvious that the stones are dead! It might even be the case that if the players continue playing, and white makes a mistake, they could come back to life.
So when in doubt, just continue playing until everything is easier to understand! (for instance, until the black group in this game is captured, or it manages to capture something else)
Different rulesets are differently well suited for beginners. There are some rulesets that make scoring super easy, for instance just counting the number of stones of each color on the board. I personally think that is a good place to start, to get a feel for what “dead” and “alive” means.
This is a nice rules tutorial which uses this rule, and where you can play games against the computer to try it out: