How to use Ladder?

It doesn’t work, I think. I remember when I joined only being able to challenge a few people at the end of the list. Now, later, I can challenge many more. Soon, it will be less again if I continue to advance.

I agree. I don’t understand why the ranks are so disordered.

Oh i wonder if theres been some glitch o.o

You should be able to challenge up to 40% of your current position. So when joining and being at the very bottom, you should able to challenge everyone below the top 60% and still has room for received games

I tested it now and it seems to work as like it should, if you join now the sitewide 19x19 ladder and become #3321, you can challenge up to #1995. Just needs a lot of scrolling up

How did my opponent in this game become #1084 in the site 19×19 ladder?

They have only a single game in their history, and that was lost by annulment.

They probably joined the ladder a few years ago, never got any challenges, and other people joined the ladder in the meantime.

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For me a ladder is at the opposite side as ranks.
You enter at the bottom and climb.
Ranks should never interfere with that.

I got this idea, maybe i should start a new topic or something about it…

How about making people to send at least 1 challenge when they join the ladder.


  • more ladder games being played, more fun for the users

  • helps newcomers understand how ladders work, i think there are many who just join out of curiosity and expect that something would happen without further input from them

  • would clear out the abandoned accounts from ladders, when someone joins a ladder but stops using that account briefly after, they would just timeout and be removed (or in case they did challenge another un-used account then that one would be dropped out from the ladder)

  • makes the entire ladder format itself work better because people would receive more challenges, big part of the idea is that you can get challenged anytime by someone below you


  • is there really any negatives?

The short-term result would have less users being in the ladders, but idk if is really all that negative thing to have less abandoned accounts sitting on the list
But in the long-term it might make ladders even larger than they are now because people would feel those ladders being more fun to participiate ^___^

Guess if the ladder system is getting overhauled at some point, that could be combined with the other things ive been suggesting for years, which is allowing groups to set the rules of their internal ladders. Now all ladder matches use the exact same rules, so there isnt much point on playing in those small group ladders.

The 3 big sitewide ladders are pretty popular, but when looking the internal ladders of even the largest ogs groups, majority of those have <10 players and 0 ongoing ongoing games. I think it would be fantastic to get some more life onto those ^^

@GreenAsJade you have some experience about coding, do you think something like that could be implemented?


That would be a slight improvement, but there is still no incentive to actually play. In fact, if you join and challenge someone and get black, you are not even shown the game board. You have to know somehow how to locate the game board (it isn’t obvious) to play your first move. When I first joined the ladder I didn’t know when I was challenged and that I was supposed to move, and neither did those I challenged. That is one reason I had to wait three days for most of my first games to time out so I could try again. I didn’t know about the number in the black circle! Currently, in the middle of the ladder, my opponents and I know what to do, so most games go about an hour or two per move, which is what I had expected when I first joined the ladder. I can play a move whenever I have a moment free. OGS ladders have a problem only when joining, and for the first few weeks of use. It’s a bad problem and needs fixing, in my opinion.

There’s definitely a few things that could be done.

One is to require that you always have a game going. When you join, part of joining would be chosing your first opponent. When a game finishes … “somehow” you have to chose another.

“Somehow” tbd.

This would be a serverside thing, so definitely worth discussing the details, but won’t be fast to see in place.

The other as David says is improving notification about it. That surely can be done client-side.

One resource we have available is the help system popups, which could tell people when they first get a ladder challenge what is going on…