How to use sgf files

How do I use uploaded sgf files on a demo board.
Thanks in advance

You don’t have to, just click the “review this game” on the side menu, and it will create a review board with all the functions a demo board has and more. (I think the only difference is that in a demo board you can still edit the player’s names and game description, but a review board cannot and will copy from the original uploaded sfg, however an uploaded sgf with local sgf editor should already be able to edit those easy before the upload)

P.S. and in doing so I also found an unrelated bug regarding the demo board, don’t press “copy branch” and then quickly press “paste branch” more than once on an empty demo board

Some background info on sgf files:

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Thanks Counting_Zenist for your prompt reply. I have a much better understanding now

Thanks Atorrante for your quick reply. I had never come across SGF before.