How wrong is it to win the game by time tactically?

I mean for a playable game, but you know if you just drag the game on, your opponent will for sure run out of time, because it is an absolute time setting

I strongly recommend NOT using absolute time settings for ranked games. While it IS against site rules to stall with pointless moves, there is inevitably a grey area. A small byo-yomi or fast fischer is much better and more flexible to circumstances.

Totally. Respect other users is the obvious guideline or as I like to say, “Play games ON the site not WITH the site”.


Well, why do you have the setting at the first place then?

I did notice the loophole of this setting in a kgs tournament. For the record, I intended to set it as an unranked but oh well and I don’t disagree with you.

Let me see if I can push my opponent resign first,lol

I don’t disagree with the sentiment, but is it? As in, is it clearly stated?

Because I thought it was just frowned upon.

Because players of good will may make legitimate use of the option and OGS tries to provide as many options as possible generally speaking.


also fwiw we had real fun with this tournament and I don’t remember anyone abusing the system

Yes. I just added it. You can find it here: The game view and playing games · online-go/ Wiki · GitHub…

:bangbang: It is not OK to just “leave” a game, by closing the browser tab or letting the game time out. It is also not OK to stall games in any way such as with pointless moves or endless resumptions of play.

Previously (and still) covered by the Terms of Service as a disruptive behavior and while the ToS, may not be very clear (Like most ToS), I think we can safely say that it is reasonable to expect that a user should realise that such behavior is unacceptable unless they forget that there is another human being on the other end of their game.


I would add “the courteous thing, if you think the game is lost, is to resign, so your opponent isn’t held up on an empty table since you’ve checked out” or something like that.

Sometimes spelling the obvious out offers perspective of why something is wrong.

(also don’t get me started on what should be reasonable to expect :stuck_out_tongue::stuck_out_tongue::stuck_out_tongue:)

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I would like to see that whole section carefully reworded and made available in multiple languages. Good news: It’s wiki. You don’t need to be purple to make improvements.


Did I just get the “github is over there” treatment? :stuck_out_tongue::stuck_out_tongue::stuck_out_tongue:

(I’m joking don’t call the cavalry ok)


Yes but not in a nasty way. I really would like to see that section improved as I described because it is the part I most often refer users too, some of whom don’t read English obviously (or at least it’s reasonable to assume :stuck_out_tongue: ).


I thought it was available in Greek :thinking:

I tend to prefer the original text if I know the language, so I’ve been reading the English one when needed, but I’ll look it up later.

Let me clarify my question a little. I wouldn’t play baseless moves to win the game. I’m a 1kyu, smarter than that, lol. If I have a huge time advantage, I could choose complex tactics such as running fight or go to a boring game tactics forcing us to play yose etc.

Another tricky thing is if I’m behind, but not to the point I would normally resign, if I play on, it’s almost certain I will win by time…


Hey, at least no one tossed a Gandhi at you…

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I’m missing the reference (shame).

Edit: scratch that, got it.

Slow AM. :woman_shrugging:

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IMO, this is absolutely legit and something that I have done before to win a lost game (and visa versa) and would happily do again :grin: The opponent may have a better position because they used more time in the opening / early middle game but now you can use your time advantage (plus accurate reading of complex fighting of course) to force a win on time :nerd_face: For example, I had a blitz game recently (1m + 5x10s I think) and I had about 3 periods left but opponent was on their last. They had a better position but I played a complicated invasion, they thought too long, I won on time, hehehe :smiling_imp: You gotta remember, the time settings are part of the game

Also, I will not necessarily resign a “lost” game if it’s close because people can and will make mistakes. For example, I had a 9x9 recently me (6k) Vs 11k. Only about 7 moves left, they were ahead by 0.5 points, I though about resigning as there was nothing I could do. But I thought, no, I will play on. Maybe if I close the bottom before the top they might think my dead stone is a threat (which it was not) and I might get ahead by their mistake. I worked and I won by 3.5 :sunglasses:

So, use time or mind games to force mistakes and maybe you win a lost game. And never* give up!

(*Never, that is, unless you’re so far behind that resignation is the honourable thing to do)


Winning this way would not make me happy and proud.
Death before dishonour.


IMO attempting to “flag” your opponent is a part of the game with absolute time settings (in go and in chess). I don’t like that, so I usually avoid absolute time blitz games.

I do occasionally participate in real life blitz tournaments which usually use 10 minutes absolute.
In the Netherlands, we have a “sportmanship” rule in blitz that you are not allowed to flag your opponent by playing nonsense moves inside your own territory or your opponent’s territory when the game is over. When all neutral points are played and there is nothing left (accounting for the level of the players), you should pass. When you break that rule, a referee can decide to overturn the game result (and perhaps give a warning for unsportsmanlike behaviour).
But other countries don’t have this rule, so you are putting yourself at the mercy of your opponent’s sportsmanship in blitz tournaments. Though IME most go players still adhere to this sportsmanship rule IRL, even if it’s unwritten.


It’s a 7 day game. :grinning:

I think this is totally fine and part of the game if both have agreed to absolute time. If your opponent had not kept a sufficient time buffer to avoid this fate then it is their choice to risk losing in this way. If they think they can hit pass fast enough and often enough to survive with whatever time they have left then that’s what they need to do until opponent runs out of legal moves and is forced to pass or timeout.

I think it’s unpleasant and a good reason to avoid absolute time games but I don’t really see a problem with using time tactically. In most cases it doesn’t work anyway and the issue can easily be avoided by appropriate selection of timing system and/or ruleset.