Humble DDK asking for a review of two recent games (~12k)

Hi everyone, thank you for taking your time to check my games! I just played two quite different games, with a full focus and concentration, and I want to ask for reviews on them. I want to understand on what aspects of the game I should focus my training and education next. I would greatly appreciate your advice.

For your convenience, please see direct links and corresponding gokibitz links to the games.

Game #1

Game #2

Thank you for helping and inspiring me to be a better player.


From the first game, a very important thing you need to study is: when to play a diagonal connection (also called a “tiger’s mouth”), and when to play a simple connection.

There are several points in that game where you played a tiger’s mouth and it would have been much better to play a simple solid connection.

Here is a review where I commented the tiger’s mouth and nothing else: sir_husky_potato vs. SrValdemar


Already on it, thank you so much!