I’m a noob at this game, please help

i wanted to start playing because of this anime i watched, but i cant seem to get the hang of the game.

Try to find a club in your area.
Also there are many resources online that tells you the basic rules

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Hello @boywonder,

have you already gone through The Interactive Way To Go? (available in 35 languages)

This, in my humble opinion, is a required course for every total beginner. After completing it you should be around 25–27k.

Also, today I was reminded of this very nice little comic course:

On the same site you can also find the “Play Go” booklet for free download.

Wishing you a good journey into Go :slight_smile:


If you’ve gone through all the exercises in the interactive way to go (which was kindly linked by trohde above) then I’ll play a 9x9 teaching game with you, if you like.

So long as you have enough respect for my time to make sure you’ve gone through the basic tutorial beforehand, I’m always happy to teach, homie!


thks for all the help guys

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