I need help finding materials about invading this type of moyo

I mean invading black’s bottom side (but don’t tell my opponent! :shushing_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: )

Jokes aside every time I see this moyo I remember that I don’t know how to invade it effectively, and promise myself to properly research it “next time”, but always forgot.

So here’s one resolution to fill the gap.


I think those videos could be useful to improve your invasions techniques.


It’s not like you can have theory for every situation, sometimes thinking for yourself is the best.

That being said, Katago and waltheri.


Oh I forgot waltheri.

About thinking, it is said that every mastery comes in 3 steps: learning, research/experiment, and then master.

For a problem with too many branches, I need to see enough examples of how people tried to solve the same problem before I can then research and decide which would be “my own answer” :smiley:


I’ll post some problem sets for invasions like this over the next few days.


Wow, that would be wonderful! Thanks in advance! <3

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Try this one and let me know if it helps or not.




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It should be up :frowning:


The invasion at H3 might work. You have your two required ladders for this midgame joseki: https://senseis.xmp.net/?LowInvasionOfMixedThreeSpaceExtension

Just go through the different variations. The defender will have a hard time to get profit from this situations and if you’re lucky and your opponent blocks from above you’ll get some useful stones close to the boarder to work with.


Did you, like, publish it?

I never created puzzle before but probably like blog post it’s in “draft” state by default?


Hmm h3 is too small imo. My 3-3 is still open so if I live there and black jump into my 3-3 it’s no-gain.

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Oh oops! It was set to private.

Also, I would agree with H3. “too small” is not really an issue. Compare your left with the bottom and you’ll see that H3 is a fine enough invasion. But keep in mind you give black the influence to counter-invade.

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There are 14 variations/solutions, but the first move you play is non-negotiable. There is only one way to start this problem.

Wow I suck at living. 5 tries and still incorrect :sob:

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As with all invasions, you’re probably trying too hard/too greedy.

Common moves are the best moves.

Also, what makes you think that one stone has to live? Threatening stuff is more valuable than activating it at 100% and hoping for it all to work out.


What you need to understand is that B has invested allot of stones into the bottom right. There is no way to remove everything and if you try you are greedy and will be punished.

That said there is possibilities to both reduce or invade and live in B territory. both has pros and cons.
For invasion you want to consider where you can get forcing moves. You have moves such as Q2, M3 and H3. What you need to consider for all of them is that each of them will strengten B.
For reduction of the territory you want to play at the edges of your oponents moyo. You have moves such as P8, M5, O5, O6, Q6 or simular. For reduction moves you need to consider that you make B protect the point that s/he already has but prevent her/him expanding the moyo.

What else you need to consider is what is around B strength. If you start reducing B but B conteratack your top right group then you can find yourself in much worse situation than when you started. One way to play next might be playing something as simple as P10 before anything else. That is to prevent B expanding her/his influence.


Just as an update to everyone, invading was indeed a bad idea.

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