I would debate about a move :)

Spot the difference.


I’m convinced R3 is the threat but my confusion was more about where the 7 point swing in the possible outcomes were. In the he first dia Hexahedron posted, AI wants to take gote on the right side and let Black extend on the bottom. Giving away sente and taking no territory seemed strange at first but now that I think about it, White’s influence is amazing, possibly weak stones are connected via a squeeze and white pierced through at S11 (that might even help with a top right 3-3 invasion because now s14 or s15 threaten to connect to that stone).

Yes s11 is a very valuable move to get in sente. Now when white invades the top right the entire black group can become unsettled, it’s an attacking invasion. That’s why his second diagram with passive looking 4 giving up on r9 is ok.

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