Important forum topics not talked about by ogs as a whole

OGS could offer 2 week supporter status for joining forum (if interested in gaining forum users/participation) this would do two things,
1: it would get more forum participation (perhaps awarded after 10 reasonable and relevant responses to the topics involved.
2. it would also directly advertise the features in more detail to non supporters of the site promoting site support an no real cost (2 weeks is no skin of any sites offers)
and 3rd, oh i only thought of 2 things but i bet there is another positive things hehhe.


Welcome @ramhead to the forum!
That’s an interesting suggestion to me.

What to reward (1week enough?) and how can be more debated. One thing to anticipate is to not create a alt registering so that players just don’t create new accounts to get the benefits many times. Because It’s quite easy to register, we may have to find a way to prevent that, like to ask to have an active account since 1 month or/and with x games already played… Something like that.

For how to reward we could use the badge system already implemented in discourse. (X posts with Y likes for ex.)

Last sadly i don’t think that technically speaking It’s something easy to implement.

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